Cats are not overly fond of baths but your cat can get dirty or stinky and must have a bath. If you need to bathe your cat, follow a few simple procedures. Gather all your supplies in one place. Trim your cat’s nails to lessen any damage if your cat lashes out at you. Keep a hand on your cat at all times to keep her from leaping away. Wet your cat with lukewarm water. Use a small container to pour water on her since the sink sprayer could frighten your cat. Lather her up with cat-safe shampoo. Don’t forget to soap up the groin area, between the toes and under the armpits. Avoid getting soap in her eyes, nose or mouth. Rinse your cat thoroughly, again with lukewarm water. Dry your cat with a terrycloth towel. Brush her well and keep her warm until she is completely dry. Talk with your vet Miramar West, FL to learn more.
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It’s safe to assume that all cats are at risk for heartworms. Heartworm disease is a dangerous disease in which long worms can invade the heart, lungs and blood stream of a cat or dog. Heartworms are transmitted from an infected animal to a healthy animal through mosquito bites. Because mosquitoes are everywhere, it should be assumed that heartworms are everywhere. In fact, heartworm disease has been diagnosed in every state within the U.S. and most provinces in Canada. Assume your cat is at risk and protect him by placing him on a monthly heartworm prevention program. Your cat should also be tested for heartworms on a routine basis. If heartworms are present then aggressive treatment will be needed immediately. Unfortunately, heartworm treatment in cats is not as powerful
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Most cats do not need to be bathed. Occasionally your cat may need a professional grooming and bathing. For times like these you can take your cat to a local groomer and schedule an appointment. Cats, in general, however are pretty clean animals. Cats also are self groomers. They have tongues with rough little prongs on them which helps clean their coat of oil and dirt. When you see your cat licking himself he’s really grooming and cleaning himself up. Because cats groom on their own on a schedule of their own they rarely need owners to step in and give them a bath. You can bathe your cat if you want to just make sure you use a vet approved shampoo that won’t strip your cat’s coat of naturally important oils. For more tips on bathing your cat, consult with your Orangevale, CA veterinary clinic.
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Most turtles like to swim or enjoy a good soak in the water at some point during the day. If you own a turtle, talk with your vet to find out if the turtle is part of a species that needs to have a water and swimming area in his tank or if a dipping or soaking bowl would suffice. For instance, red-eared sliders enjoy swimming a lot. For these guys you should provide a complete swimming area of the habitat. He needs enough room to jump in and take a swim down deep and back again. He should also have a few floating rocks and of course dry land for sun bathing after. The box turtle doesn’t like to swim as much. He will do well with just a small bowl to soak or swim in. He can have a shallow watering hole too. He doesn’t need a full swimming area. For more tips, talk with your Thorold, ON veterinary clinic.
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The Laekenois is a native breed of Belgium. He is one of four native breeds that include the Malinois, Tervuren, and the Belgian Sheepdog. The Laekenois is the rarest of the breeds. This dog is a large, sturdy, and strong working class type of sheepdog. He is extremely intelligent, quick on his feet and quick to protect and defend. He is loyal to his family and protective of them and their property. Because he is a working dog, the Laekenois requires exercise daily. Long walks or runs in wide open fields are ideal. In addition, the coat of a Laekenois requires regular grooming because of its rough texture and varying lengths. Baths are needed routinely as well since this breed loves to run, work and play. The Laekenois is great for families with experience training larger dogs. If you’d like to learn more about this breed, talk with your North Dallas, TX vet. Schedule an appointment today!
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The Bedlington Terrier was originally given the name Rothbury or Rodbury Terrier in 1825. The breed, however, has been traced as far back as 1782. It is known for its sheep like appearance with a tight curly coat, fleece topped pear shaped head, arched back, tasseled ears, and scimitar shaped tail. The name was changed to Bedlington Terrier in 1870 in honor of the small shire in England where the dogs were first bred. Bedlington was a mining village and the terriers were used to hunt rats in the mines. After this job was over, the terrier was used in dog races and other sporting competitions. The Bedlington Terrier has been referred to as ‘the energetic Englishman’ because of his natural athletic agility and speed. The Bedlington also serves as an excellent guard dog. Safe enough to be around children yet strong enough to kill a dog its own size. For more facts, talk with your North Dallas, TX vet. Set an appointment here:
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