Main » 2018 » June » 19 » Is My Cat at risk for Heartworms?
9:45 AM
Is My Cat at risk for Heartworms?

It’s safe to assume that all cats are at risk for heartworms. Heartworm disease is a dangerous disease in which long worms can invade the heart, lungs and blood stream of a cat or dog. Heartworms are transmitted from an infected animal to a healthy animal through mosquito bites. Because mosquitoes are everywhere, it should be assumed that heartworms are everywhere. In fact, heartworm disease has been diagnosed in every state within the U.S. and most provinces in Canada. Assume your cat is at risk and protect him by placing him on a monthly heartworm prevention program. Your cat should also be tested for heartworms on a routine basis. If heartworms are present then aggressive treatment will be needed immediately. Unfortunately, heartworm treatment in cats is not as powerful as treatment for dogs. Your Chesapeake, VA veterinary clinic can tell you the best form of protection is to use prevention.


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