You love heading out into the world with your dog, but it can be a bit difficult to do so on a whim as there are so many items your pet needs you to bring along. How can you set up a bag for your car so you can just head out the door when the time comes?
Your pet needs you to consider what items he needs when away from home. Determine which of these will be able to handle the extreme temperatures that can be present in your vehicle and place these items into a bag or box to be kept in the back of your car. This will make getting out of the house a bit easier as you will only need to grab things that can’t be subjected to the temperatures in your vehicle, like food and water. For more information, please contact your local North Phoenix, AZ veterinarian.
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If your Akita or other breed of canine has been diagnosed with Hypothyroidism don’t panic. This is a very common illness found in medium to large breed dogs between the ages of 4 and 10 years old. It usually occurs as the result of the thyroid gland being unable to produce necessary T4 and T3 hormones needed to regulate the body’s metabolism. When this happens, your dog may develop lethargy, mental dullness, weakness, weight gain and hair loss among other things. Ways to treat this include medications and synthetic hormones. Your vet may recommend a change in diet for your dog. Other changes in diet or exercise routine may be needed. Additional medications may be required or an adjustment to the current dose may be needed. Always follow your Marietta, GA veterinary clinic treatment advice to ensure your dog’s healthy recovery. Never adjust medication dosages on your own. Click here to know more
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Dental exams are an important part of your American Foxhound’s overall health and wellness. You should request a dental exam as part of your pup’s yearly exam. In some cases, your vet will simply be able to look into your dog’s mouth and check the dog’s gums to determine the presence of any type of gum disease such as gingivitis. If the gums and teeth are normal color and their isn’t a presence of extreme bad breath, then your pup will most likely not require an extensive dental exam. Dogs that have signs of tartar and plaque buildup, tooth decay, or loose teeth may need a full dental exam. This often involves putting your dog under anesthesia to clean the teeth, scrape tartar and plaque, or pull teeth that have decayed. If your vet doesn’t offer this type of dental service you may be referred to a veterinary dentist. Consult with your Marietta, GA veterinarian for more details
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Treating epilepsy in dogs like the American Water Spaniel can be simple and complex all at the same time. For instance, if your vet has diagnosed your dog with seizures or epilepsy then he can prescribe medication to help prevent the seizures from occurring or to shorten the convulsions or fits in an epileptic episode. However, treating the cause of the seizures can be difficult. Seizures occur as a result of neuron misfiring in the brain. This is from a chemical imbalance or electrical malfunction in the brain. Causes for these malfunctions are not always discovered. In some cases it could be because of an ingested toxin or medication side effect. Dogs that develop seizures as a result of other medical conditions will most likely have those conditions treated first in hopes of lessening seizure activity. Speak with your vet Marietta, GA to learn more.
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