Main » 2018 » March » 31 » Managing Hypothyroidism in Akitas
6:39 PM
Managing Hypothyroidism in Akitas

If your Akita or other breed of canine has been diagnosed with Hypothyroidism don’t panic. This is a very common illness found in medium to large breed dogs between the ages of 4 and 10 years old. It usually occurs as the result of the thyroid gland being unable to produce necessary T4 and T3 hormones needed to regulate the body’s metabolism. When this happens, your dog may develop lethargy, mental dullness, weakness, weight gain and hair loss among other things. Ways to treat this include medications and synthetic hormones. Your vet may recommend a change in diet for your dog. Other changes in diet or exercise routine may be needed. Additional medications may be required or an adjustment to the current dose may be needed. Always follow your Marietta, GA veterinary clinic treatment advice to ensure your dog’s healthy recovery. Never adjust medication dosages on your own. Click here to know more.

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