Main » 2018 » March » 31 » Does my American Foxhound Need a Dental Exam?
4:58 PM
Does my American Foxhound Need a Dental Exam?

Dental exams are an important part of your American Foxhound’s overall health and wellness. You should request a dental exam as part of your pup’s yearly exam. In some cases, your vet will simply be able to look into your dog’s mouth and check the dog’s gums to determine the presence of any type of gum disease such as gingivitis. If the gums and teeth are normal color and their isn’t a presence of extreme bad breath, then your pup will most likely not require an extensive dental exam. Dogs that have signs of tartar and plaque buildup, tooth decay, or loose teeth may need a full dental exam. This often involves putting your dog under anesthesia to clean the teeth, scrape tartar and plaque, or pull teeth that have decayed. If your vet doesn’t offer this type of dental service you may be referred to a veterinary dentist. Consult with your Marietta, GA veterinarian for more details.


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