Main » 2018 » March » 22

When leash training a puppy, it is recommended to use a body harness. The puppy should be comfortable wearing the body harness first before leash training. A puppy that is not comfortable with a body harness can have a hard time with leash training. When your pup is ready to be leash-trained, start by introducing the leash. Let him play with it or sniff it so he will be familiar with the leash. Once the leash is attached to the harness, make sure to keep it loose at all times. While walking, always be conscious of your pet’s movements. If your puppy starts walking ahead of you, stop quickly and change directions. You should never give him a chance to walk ahead and pull the leash taut before taking action. The leash should be loose all the time except during when you reverse or change directions.

Before taking your pet on leash walks, be sure to ask your Plano, TX vet if he is ready to be exposed to places, peop ... Read more »

Views: 370 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 03.22.2018 | Comments (0)

In the vet clinic, a cat suspected to be suffering from hyperthyroidism is subjected to a thorough physical exam. Several laboratory tests may be recommended by your veterinarian to rule out other potential health issues since there are several medical conditions that have similar symptoms to hyperthyroidism, especially in senior cats. The most common laboratory tests will include a complete blood count, a biochemistry panel, urinalysis, and a specific test that can assess the level of thyroxine (T4) hormone in the blood. A negative result won’t necessarily rule out the presence of hyperthyroidism because T4 usually fluctuates especially in mild cases. Your veterinarian generally makes a diagnosis based on the results of the physical exam, the patient’s medical history, and laboratory exam results. There are several options for treating hyperthyroidism in cats; your best veterinarians Plano, TX will decid ... Read more »

Views: 380 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 03.22.2018 | Comments (0)