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You will soon be bringing a dog into your home, and you’ve been doing your best to bring home all the pet supply items you will need to care for him. What should you look for in a collar?

Your dog needs a collar that will be comfortable for him to wear, so make a point to get the appropriate size, width, and weight for your little fur ball. Try to find a collar that will hook securely to a leash, and will be able to house his identification tags in case someone needs to reference them. Your pet will also need to be able to wear his collar at all times, so you will need to consider other features that may be useful as well. Your Marietta, GA veterinarian can help you care for the pets in your home.

Views: 414 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 03.13.2018 | Comments (0)

Your family is made up of a group of wonderful individuals who love each other dearly. How could a pet enhance your home life?

Having a pet to care for can really throw your family for a loop. It gives them something to focus on outside of themselves, and helps bring them closer together as a group. This is because you will all be working together toward a common goal in trying to keep your new addition happy and healthy. A new pet helps bring new life into your routine, and adds a sense of excitement to each day. The process of becoming pet owners can also help you assess your schedule overall, as you will need to each make time for your new companion. This can help you spend more time together, and ultimately, become closer due to having one more things in common that you care about. Your local Marietta, GA vet can offer additional suggestions.

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Views: 431 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 03.13.2018 | Comments (0)

Cattle sheds need not be fancy, but the design must protect them from draft and water. In some areas, a 3-sided cattle shelter may be enough with the open side facing away from the winds. But if your barn is totally enclosed, be sure that there is proper ventilation, during both cold and hot weather. During cold weather, when the temperature inside the barn is warmer than 50F, humidity brought about by manure, urine, and body moisture of the cattle may rise and eventually cause the animals to develop pneumonia. As for the space requirement, allocate at least 35-40 square feet for each cattle. There must be plenty of clean, dry straw for bedding. Any damp and soiled bedding must be removed daily and replaced with fresh straw. Many cattle owners spread hydrated lime on wet areas before placing a layer of fresh straw. Lime can help absorb moisture and prevent the multiplication of pathogens. You can also consult your Westminster, MD vet regarding your cattl ... Read more »

Views: 437 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 03.13.2018 | Comments (0)

You may experience the sniffling and sneezing that indicates you are allergic to cats. Generally, cat allergies are caused by dander rather than fur. Dander consists of dead skin cells. All cats slough off these cells, which are replaced with new skin cells. You could also be allergic to the proteins found in urine and saliva. There are over-the-counter treatments for cat allergies. These treatments help reduce the discomfort of the allergic reaction. However, your allergy may be so severe that symptom control is not enough. Make an appointment to see an allergist to determine your exact allergy, its severity and what treatments are available. Your allergy may be to dust on your cat rather than your cat. Groom and brush your cat often to control dander. Clean your home so it is a ... Read more »

Views: 425 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 03.13.2018 | Comments (0)

You may experience the sniffling and sneezing that indicates you are allergic to cats. Generally, cat allergies are caused by dander rather than fur. Dander consists of dead skin cells. All cats slough off these cells, which are replaced with new skin cells. You could also be allergic to the proteins found in urine and saliva. There are over-the-counter treatments for cat allergies. These treatments help reduce the discomfort of the allergic reaction. However, your allergy may be so severe that symptom control is not enough. Make an appointment to see an allergist to determine your exact allergy, its severity and what treatments are available. Your allergy may be to dust on your cat rather than your cat. Groom and brush your cat often to control ... Read more »

Views: 417 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 03.13.2018 | Comments (0)

Cats are very sensitive to changes in their immediate environment. They can easily get stressed when there is a change in the daily routine of the household, a new addition to the family, presence of household guests, or a new pet. Anything that seems to disturb the ‘balance’ in their world, can freak pet cats out. If there is really a need to make certain changes in the daily routine of the household, here are ways to introduce them so there will be lesser impact on your kitty:

  • The secret word is “gradually”. Any change should be introduced bit by bit so your pet will have enough time to adjust to the change/s.
  • If the change is only short-term, such as the presence of weekend guests or a short vacation, going back to the old routine as soon as possible is highly recommended.
  • Provide plenty of opportunities for ... Read more »
Views: 448 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 03.13.2018 | Comments (0)

Dogs can also develop certain phobias. In fact, fears and phobias in pet dogs are more common than most pet owners might be aware of. The problem is most common in dogs that did not receive proper or adequate socialization, thus they are unprepared to deal well with different situations they find themselves in. There are many things or situations that can trigger fear in dogs. It can be loud sounds of fireworks or a fear of a perceived threat, strange places and people, and even unfamiliar animals. Many dogs have thunderstorm phobia. They start acting weird as the skies turn dark and thunder starts rumbling.

In addition to socialization, the temperament of dogs can also have an important role in the development of certain fears or phobias. A dog’s temperament is influenced to a large extent by heredity, socialization, and upbringing. Dogs that have negative experiences in the past can develop fear to specific si ... Read more »

Views: 427 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 03.13.2018 | Comments (0)

In spite of the old adage, you can teach your old dog new tricks. You may have adopted an adult dog who never learned proper behavior or your dog just forgot his training, Start by teaching him his name. Move on to sit, stay, come, and down. Think about any other commands you want your dog to learn. Lure your dog into the commanded position by using treats and praise. Practice often so obedience becomes routine. Include house rules in your training such as not jumping up or chewing on shoes, among others. Use redirection and deterrents to prevent these undesired behaviors. Keep in mind that if your dog is sitting by you, he can’t be jumping up on people. Training an older dog may need more patience and it may take a little longer for reliable results. Eventually, you can tra ... Read more »

Views: 407 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 03.13.2018 | Comments (0)

Your gerbil needs you to take the time to find ways to keep her both happy and safe. Her enclosure is a great place to start with these, as it can do both for your little furry companion.

Your gerbil’s enclosure should be able to house her along with the belongings she needs in this space. It should be an appropriate size for her to move about, and should get plenty of airflow. Since your pet is very curious, you will need to make sure her enclosure will keep her contained, and that she will have plenty of ways to occupy her time within this space. You should also consider what it will take to upkeep her enclosure, as this may be a factor in the choosing one. Your local Marietta, GA vet clinic can help you better understand what your pet needs from you.

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Views: 391 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 03.13.2018 | Comments (0)

Your hamster spends a lot of her time in her enclosure. While this may be an area you strive to keep nice, it isn’t a place where she can track down her own food. What should you offer her to eat?

Your hamster needs you to be mindful of what she is eating and how much she is being offered. It can be very easy for pets like this to become overweight, so you will need to make sure you are offering a healthy diet in appropriate portions. This will likely include a commercial mix packed with nutrient dense ingredients, along with some nuts and seeds. Fresh produce is also a component of a hamster’s diet, so talk to your pet’s veterinarian to determine which types will be ideal for your little fur ball. For additional information, please contact your local Marietta, GA veterinarian.

Views: 385 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 03.13.2018 | Comments (0)