Main » 2018 » March » 13 » Teaching Your Old Dog New Tricks
12:37 PM
Teaching Your Old Dog New Tricks

In spite of the old adage, you can teach your old dog new tricks. You may have adopted an adult dog who never learned proper behavior or your dog just forgot his training, Start by teaching him his name. Move on to sit, stay, come, and down. Think about any other commands you want your dog to learn. Lure your dog into the commanded position by using treats and praise. Practice often so obedience becomes routine. Include house rules in your training such as not jumping up or chewing on shoes, among others. Use redirection and deterrents to prevent these undesired behaviors. Keep in mind that if your dog is sitting by you, he can’t be jumping up on people. Training an older dog may need more patience and it may take a little longer for reliable results. Eventually, you can train your old dog especially if you are kind. Learn more from your Pendleton Veterinary Clinic.

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