Main » 2018 » March » 13 » Shelter Requirements For Cattle
2:15 PM
Shelter Requirements For Cattle

Cattle sheds need not be fancy, but the design must protect them from draft and water. In some areas, a 3-sided cattle shelter may be enough with the open side facing away from the winds. But if your barn is totally enclosed, be sure that there is proper ventilation, during both cold and hot weather. During cold weather, when the temperature inside the barn is warmer than 50F, humidity brought about by manure, urine, and body moisture of the cattle may rise and eventually cause the animals to develop pneumonia. As for the space requirement, allocate at least 35-40 square feet for each cattle. There must be plenty of clean, dry straw for bedding. Any damp and soiled bedding must be removed daily and replaced with fresh straw. Many cattle owners spread hydrated lime on wet areas before placing a layer of fresh straw. Lime can help absorb moisture and prevent the multiplication of pathogens. You can also consult your Westminster, MD vet regarding your cattle’s housing needs. Visit this link for additional information:

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