Your cat’s fur is a big part of who she is, and it looks great on her. How can you help her stay looking her best?
Your pet is a wonderful companion, and she relies on you to care for her in ways that she can’t handle on her own. Grooming is a big part of this, as her efforts are in no way a substitute for a good brushing. This is because she needs assistance in removing tangles and preventing her fur from matting. She also needs you to consider how she grows healthy fur, and to offer her a diet rich in nutrients to support the health of the fur she depends on to keep her shielded from the sun in the summer and away from the cold in the winter. Your local Livonia, MI vet can help you offer your pet a wonderful place to call home. To know more, visit their profil
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Your pet spends a lot of time in your home, and you want him to be able to do so worry-free. This means that you will need to remove any household hazards that your little fur ball may come across.
Hazards in your home will likely include things that are small that your pet can choke on, things he could accidentally ingest due to their size, and items that could have an adverse impact on your pet’s health if eaten. Keep all toxic items out of your pet’s reach, and this will likely include some items you eat regularly. Sharp objects, things your pet can get stuck in, and areas you wish he wouldn’t frequent should also be out of sight and out of mind. Your local most recommended vets Livonia MI can he
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Your pet needs you to help her stay in good shape, and sometimes this means helping her lose some weight to get back to where she is most healthy. How can you help make this happen?
If your pet has officially become overweight, you will need to look into what happened to get her to this point. She may be overeating, or not eating the right food for her body. Look into different food and treat options, and make sure they are being given in the proper portions. She may also need some more exercise, if so, try to make the process fun by extending playtimes and walks. You can also add an additional play session, walk, or both to your days when your schedule allows for it. A combination of healthy eating and proper exercise will help your pet get back to where she is comfortable and happy. Your local Livonia, MI vet can offer additiona
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Guinea pigs often exhibit an enthusiastic behavior known as popcorning. Your pig will run around the cage, leap in the air and kick out his hind legs. Larger, older pigs may not get as high in the air as young, small pigs but this is truly a sign of excitement and happiness. Your pig may popcorn just because he is glad to see you or when he senses food is on the way. You can’t train your guinea pig to popcorn on command. It’s just something your guinea pig will do with enthusiasm and joy. Your guinea pig will need room in his cage to popcorn. Keep him in a large cage with plenty of room for toys and apparatus to keep him healthy and happy. However, don’t fill the cage with so much stuff that your piggy can’t move around easily. Contact your vets S
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Trimming your cat’s nails help dull her weapons that could cause damage if she scratches you or your belongings. She could also get her nails in the fabric on the sofa, drapes or carpet and injure her toes. Thus you need to trim your cat’s nails regularly. Start when your cat is young so that it becomes routine. Handle your cat’s feet and nails often so she gets used to your touch. When you are ready to trim your cat’s nails, act quickly and efficiently. Grasp your cat’s foot and press on the pads to extend the nails. Trim the nails a little at a time while avoiding the quick. The quick is the nerve and blood supply to the nail so it will hurt and bleed if nicked. Continue trimming as long as your cat doesn’t resist. Don’t force your cat or punish her if she resists. Just try ano
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Trimming your cat’s nails help dull her weapons that could cause damage if she scratches you or your belongings. She could also get her nails in the fabric on the sofa, drapes or carpet and injure her toes. Thus you need to trim your cat’s nails regularly. Start when your cat is young so that it becomes routine. Handle your cat’s feet and nails often so she gets used to your touch. When you are ready to trim your cat’s nails, act quickly and efficiently. Grasp your cat’s foot and press on the pads to extend the nails. Trim the nails a little at a time while avoiding the quick. The quick is the nerve and blood supply to the nail so it will hurt and bleed if nicked. Continue trimming as long as your cat doesn’t resist. Don’t force your cat or punish her if she resists. Just try ano
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Heartworms are invasive parasites that can make your dog very ill and, if untreated, can kill him. Heartworm larvae are transmitted to dogs through the bite of a mosquito that has bitten an infected dog. As the heartworm larvae mature, they grow into adult worms that will clog your dog’s blood vessels, lungs, and heart. This causes severe respiratory and circulatory issues. There are treatments for dogs with heartworms but they are expensive, may require surgery and won’t necessarily restore your dog’s health. Thus it is important your dog doesn’t get heartworms. Keep your dog inside when mosquitoes are most active. There are heartworm prevention medications available by prescription. Give this monthly medication to your dog all year round since mosquitoes can become active after just a few warm d
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Your home is where you love to hang out and enjoy yourself, and you want your new ferret to like this area too. How can you make sure it is a safe place for him to spend his time?
Your ferret is a smart creature, and a curious one as well. This means that he will be looking to get into things to check them out. You will need to block off areas that aren’t safe for him to get into, and thoroughly so. He will need to be away from things he could accidentally eat or choke on, and you will also need to take the time to seek out things he could get hurt with. Everything in question should be placed well out of his reach, and this should be in an area he can’t get into even if he is motivated to do so. For additional information, please contact your local Livonia, MI vet clinic. Visit
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