Sometimes a trip in the car is necessary. You could be leaving for an appointment at the pet clinic, or maybe you want to take your dog with you on vacation. No matter what the reason, riding with your dog can be a nightmare if he hates the car.
There are a few ways you can make the ride more comfortable for your pooch. First, try keeping him in a kennel. Feeling unsteady in the car can make a dog feel uneasy. A kennel can provide him with a safe and comfortable place that will ease his nerves.
He could be feeling a bit lonely in the back of the car! If your dog feels anxious, he may greatly benefit from having your company. Have someone else drive so you can sit with your pooch.
Your veterinarian Upper Arlington, OH can provide you with advice or medicat
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Mouth rot in Eastern Painted turtles may have multiple causes which could require multiple forms of treatment. For instance, a compromised immune system that is unable to fight off bacteria in the mouth is generally the main cause for inflammation, mucus build up and hemorrhages in the oral cavity. However, the root cause for the immune system failure is usually from stress or anxiety resulting from poor diet, poor environmental conditions, overcrowding, parasites, or trauma. Your vet may first treat the inflammation and mucus build up by rinsing your turtle’s mouth with an antibiotic rinse and taking a biopsy of the mucus. Antibiotic cream may also be applied to the inflamed areas of the mouth. Once the mouth rot is treated, your vet Conyers, GA will need to determine the root for the immune insufficiency. Diets high in vitamin C, calcium and phosphorus may be added. Temperatures and habitats may be adjusted or changed completely.
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If your Californian rabbit has Degenerative Joint Disease (DJD) then you will need to make a few lifestyle changes to help your rabbit cope with his illness and maintain his mobility for as long as possible If your rabbit is overweight, place him on a vet approved diet, cut out major snacks during the day and enforce a daily exercise program. This can help your rabbit lose weight if he is obese or maintain its current weight. Keep your rabbit on a vet approved diet with fruits and veggies for snacks. Medications may be prescribed to decrease pain and inflammation. Physical therapy will also need to be added to increase mobility. These options will lessen pain and suffering, but will not sure the disease as there is no cure. Use soft bedding in the cage to help your rabbit be more comfortable. For more tips and suggestions, call your veterinarian Conyers, GA.
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When you bring home your new Chocolate hedgehog, make sure you have a place for him to live already set up and ready to go. If you’re not sure what he will need, ask your vet or local pet store associate. The necessities generally include a flat bottom cage. Even though the hedgehog is small, you should get a rabbit size or guinea pig size cage so he has room to run around and burrow. Make sure the cage has a solid floor and wired top so your little guy doesn’t escape. Don’t forget, hedgehogs like to dig and climb. In addition, make sure you have a food bowl, water bowl and a side cage water bottle. Toys and tunnels can keep him entertained. You should also provide a small litter box inside the cage as hedgehogs prefer this over messing up his bedding. Your best veterinarian Conyers, GA may suggest keeping the cage in a warm place as well.
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