Main » 2017 » July » 1 » Household hazards and your pet
8:27 PM
Household hazards and your pet

Your pet spends a lot of time in your home, and you want him to be able to do so worry-free. This means that you will need to remove any household hazards that your little fur ball may come across.

Hazards in your home will likely include things that are small that your pet can choke on, things he could accidentally ingest due to their size, and items that could have an adverse impact on your pet’s health if eaten. Keep all toxic items out of your pet’s reach, and this will likely include some items you eat regularly. Sharp objects, things your pet can get stuck in, and areas you wish he wouldn’t frequent should also be out of sight and out of mind. Your local most recommended vets Livonia MI can help you care for your pet.

Views: 467 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: vets Livonia MI | Rating: 5.0/1
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