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10:14 AM
Guinea Pig Popcorning

Guinea pigs often exhibit an enthusiastic behavior known as popcorning. Your pig will run around the cage, leap in the air and kick out his hind legs. Larger, older pigs may not get as high in the air as young, small pigs but this is truly a sign of excitement and happiness. Your pig may popcorn just because he is glad to see you or when he senses food is on the way. You can’t train your guinea pig to popcorn on command. It’s just something your guinea pig will do with enthusiasm and joy. Your guinea pig will need room in his cage to popcorn. Keep him in a large cage with plenty of room for toys and apparatus to keep him healthy and happy. However, don’t fill the cage with so much stuff that your piggy can’t move around easily. Contact your vets Savannah, GA to learn more.

Views: 467 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: ga, vet Savannah, animal hospital Savannah | Rating: 0.0/0
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