Your cat is an independent creature and you want to respect her need to do things on her own. However, there are a lot of things she simply can’t handle on her own, like keeping her teeth clean. Should you brush them to help her out?
Brushing your cat’s teeth is an important part of caring for your pet’s oral hygiene. You should take the time to seek out a toothbrush and toothpaste that are designed for feline use. These will fit your pet’s needs the best. They will also allow you to care for your pet’s teeth to help keep plaque and tartar from becoming an issue in her life. Keep in mind that it may take some time for your pet to get used to having her teeth brushed, so be patient. For more information, please contact your local Fox Chapel, PA vet clinic.
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Wondering what you should feed your Oriental Shorthair kittens while weaning them? No worries, just give your local pet store a call or ask your veterinarian. Kittens all wean different and may or may not eat what you offer them. The important thing is that you provide them with a wholesome cat food that is designed with kittens in mind. They will need a set amount of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients to grow. They will also need a dry food that isn’t as large or as hard as an adult food since their teeth haven’t fully developed. When introducing the food do so in a shallow bowl and add a little water or milk replacer to make it moist. Try giving it to them on your finger to entice them to try it out. Wait for them to get comfortable seeing the bowl before leaving them alone with the food completely. Talk with your vet Pineville, NC for more tips. Read more here!
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Your dog loves to get out of the house with you, as it offers him a change of scenery and often some fun in the sun. However, he gets a bit nervous when you are heading to the vet. How can you help him stay calm?
Your pet needs you to consider that there are a lot of things he doesn’t understand about his visits with his veterinarian. This can be a bit unsettling for him, so you will want to make sure you offer him some additional comfort whenever you can. Play with him before you leave to help burn off some energy, and bring along a familiar belonging of his to help him feel a sense of familiarity. Talk to him throughout the journey and stay near during the visit whenever you can. Your local Savannah, GA vet can help you care for your pet.
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Sunburn can happen to a lot of animals with little to no warning. If you own a cat like the British Longhair, make sure you keep an eye on the amount of time he spends outdoors bathing in the sun. Check under his fur and make sure the skin is not blistered or overly pink. If your cat has white ears or bare ears with little fur then you may want to cover them to avoid sunburn. Watch other parts of the body (i.e. the belly and underarms) for sunburn as well since these areas are covered with little to no fur. If you want to apply a sunscreen to protect your cat’s skin, ask your vet for an appropriate brand to use. Note that there is a sunscreen on the market that is FDA compliant and safe for some pets known as Epi-Pet. Check with your veterinary clinic Pineville, NC to find out if this could be used for your cat.
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Your pet needs your help in many different ways, and preventing fleas is one of them. How can you offer her a life that doesn’t include these little parasites?
Your pet will likely come across fleas from time to time, even if you do your best to avoid this. It’s important that she has a flea prevention method in use for just this reason. You can assess the different options on the market, as each will need to be applied in their own way at different frequencies. Choose a method that is easy for you to keep up with, and will allow you to stay within your pet care budget. If you find that one option isn’t working out for your family, don’t be afraid to switch over to a new one. Your local Savannah, GA vet clinic can offer additional advice. Visit website http:/
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Heartworms in cats like the Oriental Shorthair and other breeds can be a scary thing. Heartworm disease is when a worm invades the heart, lungs and blood vessels of a cat. Unlike dogs, there is no medication to treat heartworms in cats. Heartworm disease often goes undiagnosed in cats because they carry smaller baby worms and do not show symptoms in the same way that dogs do. The best way to protect your Oriental Shorthair from getting heartworms is to have her tested annually by your vet. You should also have your cat on a monthly heartworm prevention program in the form of pills, injections, or other types of medication. Some cats also develop heartworm related illnesses such as HARD (heartworm associated respiratory disease). It’s vitally important that your cat be tested for heartworms and be on a monthly preventative. Talk with your best vet Pineville, NC to learn more.
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If your Oriental Shorthair cat has FeLV (Feline Leukemia Virus) then he will need to have a few changes in his regularly routine to help him adjust to the illness. For instance, a diet change may be needed to decrease the chances of contacting a secondary illness. For instance, feed your cat a diet that is free of raw meat, eggs and unpasteurized dairy products as these may harbor bacteria and parasites that can lead to infection. Other changes may be in the form of daily exercise. Your cat may require more or less depending on how he feels. If possible, continue walking and exercising your cat to keep up his overall health. Leukemia Virus can often develop other illnesses as a result of a compromised immune system. Some cats can develop anemia, lymphoma or other cancers and become susceptible to other diseases due to a suppressed immune system. Talk with your vet South Charlotte, NC to learn more.
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