Main » 2017 » November » 24 » Testing your Oriental Shorthair for Heartworms
4:49 AM
Testing your Oriental Shorthair for Heartworms

Heartworms in cats like the Oriental Shorthair and other breeds can be a scary thing. Heartworm disease is when a worm invades the heart, lungs and blood vessels of a cat. Unlike dogs, there is no medication to treat heartworms in cats. Heartworm disease often goes undiagnosed in cats because they carry smaller baby worms and do not show symptoms in the same way that dogs do. The best way to protect your Oriental Shorthair from getting heartworms is to have her tested annually by your vet. You should also have your cat on a monthly heartworm prevention program in the form of pills, injections, or other types of medication. Some cats also develop heartworm related illnesses such as HARD (heartworm associated respiratory disease). It’s vitally important that your cat be tested for heartworms and be on a monthly preventative. Talk with your best vet Pineville, NC to learn more.


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