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Do you take your Siamese ferret in for regular checkups with the vet? Although ferrets do not need to see a vet as often as a cat or dog, it’s important they are examined annually to help prevent health conditions from arising unexpectedly. One condition that needs to be monitored and looked out for is Insulinoma. This illness can happen when the cells in the pancreas produce tumors or nodules that in turn cause an increase in insulin production or hypoglycemia. The tumors can be as big as 1 cm and recurring as individuals or in groups. Symptoms of Insulinoma include blank expressions or staring into space, depression, weight loss, foaming and pawing at the mouth, lack of appetite, lethargy, excessive salivation, difficulty using hind legs, seizures, and coma. As the disease progresses the symptoms will become more severe. Call your vet Co ... Read more »

Views: 408 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 11.21.2017 | Comments (0)

If your bulldog has been diagnosed with Hypothyroidism, talk with your vet to learn about a treatment plan and ways to help your bulldog continue with a comfortable and happy lifestyle. Hypothyroidism is a disease that occurs when your pup’s thyroid gland is no longer producing T3 and T4 hormones correctly. When this happens your dog is unable to maintain a healthy metabolism and may experience lethargy, weakness, hair loss, seizures, etc. Treatment is most cases involves treating the symptoms and any underlying medical conditions triggering the Hypothyroidism along with administering of the missing hormones in synthetic form. Medication dosages may need to be adjusted over time so regular visits with the vet are important. Long-term care and management differs for each dog. Your vet can ... Read more »

Views: 352 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 11.21.2017 | Comments (0)

Are you excited to show your Albino rabbit in an American Rabbit Breeders Association sanctioned show? If so, make sure that in all of your excitement you stop long enough to make a packing list and check everything off twice to ensure you prepared for show day. For instance, your packing checklist may include reminders to bring an extra rabbit carrier, bring paper towels and cleaner in case of an accident, an apron to wear while you show, a lint brush, fan, water bottles, water misters if hot, an empty carrier in case you buy a rabbit at the show, a copy of your entry forms, your rabbit’s pedigree and official papers, grooming table, grooming supplies, folding chair for yourself, extra water bottle for your rabbit’s cage, as well as extra food dishes. Don’t forget to include any ... Read more »

Views: 414 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 11.21.2017 | Comments (0)

Did you know that cats can actually catch a cold from people? If you have a Ragdoll or other breed of feline friend you may want to avoid him or her if you have a cold. Unlike dogs, cats can actually catch a cold. Why? A typical cold or the germs from a cold can attach itself to the respiratory tract of a cat in much the same way it does in people. This means that cats like your Ragdoll are prone to colds especially if you or someone in your household has a cold. In order to protect your family and your Ragdoll, if you have a cold, wash your hands before and after sneezing or coughing. You should also wash your hands before handling your cat. For more information visit your veterinarian Oshawa, ON.

Views: 388 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 11.21.2017 | Comments (0)

A Dermoid Sinus is a tubular skin defect also known as a pilonidal sinus. This is a rare condition. It typically shows up along the back, neck or upper spine of a dog. It is a tubular skin defect caused by a separation of skin and the nervous system and usually develops in the early stages of embryonic growth. It can be minor or deep. Some are just sacs beneath the skin’s surface, while others can affect the spinal cord. Treatment depends on the severity and location of the sinus. If there is skin secretion, then it must be cleaned and treated to avoid an infection or abscess from developing. If it becomes infected then it will need to be surgically removed. If the sinus is affecting the spinal cord or causing neurological symptoms then aggressive treatment is needed. For more info ... Read more »

Views: 399 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 11.21.2017 | Comments (0)

When you live with a dog, it’s easy to go nose blind to the way your home smells. The trouble is, guests that come over can smell all those nasty odors! Here’s how to get all those smells under control before guests come to visit.

If you can wash anything your pet comes in contact with it will go a long way towards making your home smell better. Use upholstery cleaner to clean the couch cushions, throw bedding in the washing machine, and wash the dog bed.

If you have time, giving your dog a bath can be very helpful too! That way, when guests pet your dog, they don’t leave your home smelling like wet dog.

Candles and air fresheners can be helpful too. For more tips on getting dog odors under control in your home, click here, or plan a visit to your local veterinarian Petersburg, VA.

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Views: 382 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 11.21.2017 | Comments (0)

If you are out on a walk or simply walking along a public sidewalk, you may come in contact with a dog that you don’t know. If the dog is on leash, respect the dog and the owner by continuing to walk without making eye contact with the dog. Greet the owner with a nod or quiet ‘hello’ and move on. If the dog is anxious then you may want to walk on the opposite side of the street to avoid the dog and to help the dog focus on his task instead of you. Sometimes the owners will allow the dog to run off leash. If you’re approached by a dog running off leash, ignore the dog and keep walking or give a slight command of “down” or “back”. When petting a strange Beagle or other dog, ask the owner for permission first. For more tips, talk with your veterinarian Michigan City, IN.

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Views: 413 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 11.21.2017 | Comments (0)

Your dog is a wonderful companion, and you want to make a point to care for her every day. This is particularly true when she isn’t feeling well. How can you tell if your pet’ life is being impacted by an illness?

Your pet needs you to take note of his usual behavior. This will help you not only get to know him and form a close bond, but it will also give you the opportunity to recognize when he is behaving a bit differently. It is in these differences that you may be able to notice symptoms of various illnesses. Some will be more pronounced than others, so you will find symptoms that range from very obvious to quite subtle. If you think your pet is feeling ill, take the time to bring him in to see a professional for an evaluation. For more information, please contact your local Los Gatos, CA vet clinic.

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Views: 424 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 11.21.2017 | Comments (0)

It’s important to have your Siamese ferret tested for heartworms every year during his annual vet exam. If your ferret has not seen the vet this year, please call and schedule an appointment immediately. Annual exams are important for all kinds of reasons including keeping your ferret up to date on heartworm testing and heartworm prevention programs. Heartworms can invade the lungs and heart of your ferret and cause major damage. Signs that your Siamese ferret may have heartworms include respiratory distress, a cough, fatigue, rapid breathing, and pale blue or muddy colored gums. Symptoms often appear rapidly and are extremely aggressive due to your ferret’s small size. Call your vet immediately if you see any of these signs in your ferret. Heartworm treatment must be started immediately to provide any kind of ef ... Read more »

Views: 395 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 11.21.2017 | Comments (0)

Guinea pigs don’t respond to their names like dogs or even cats do but naming your guinea pig is still an important task. Naming your guinea is a first important step in making him a part of your family. Choose carefully since you will be calling him this name for his whole life. Ensure the name is something that all family members are comfortable saying out loud. Some families name their pig after a physical characteristic such as Blondie, Fuzzy or Curly. A favorite character from a book, TV show or movie may inspire your pig’s name so there are pigs named Potter, Dora or Thor. The names of sports figures are fun too leading to Kobe or Jeter. Some people name their pigs after favorite childhood pets resulting in Fluffy XII or Minky V. Whatever you choose, have fun and make it a family affair. For more information, contact your Ellicott City, MD veterinarian.

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Views: 413 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 11.21.2017 | Comments (0)