Main » 2017 » November » 21 » Can My Ragdoll Catch My Cold?
10:22 AM
Can My Ragdoll Catch My Cold?

Did you know that cats can actually catch a cold from people? If you have a Ragdoll or other breed of feline friend you may want to avoid him or her if you have a cold. Unlike dogs, cats can actually catch a cold. Why? A typical cold or the germs from a cold can attach itself to the respiratory tract of a cat in much the same way it does in people. This means that cats like your Ragdoll are prone to colds especially if you or someone in your household has a cold. In order to protect your family and your Ragdoll, if you have a cold, wash your hands before and after sneezing or coughing. You should also wash your hands before handling your cat. For more information visit your veterinarian Oshawa, ON.

Views: 389 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: veterinarian oshawa on, veterinarians oshawa on, vets oshawa on | Rating: 0.0/0
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