Your sugar glider is an important part of your life, and you want to be there for her no matter what is going on in her life. This includes when she is sick. How can you tell if she is feeling under the weather?
If your sugar glider is sick, she won’t be feeling like herself. This means she is also likely to be acting differently. However, sugar gliders tend to hide the fact that they aren’t feeling well. This means that the symptoms you take note of may be minor unless she is very ill, and you should take any atypical behavior as a signal that something may be wrong. Seeking attention for these is essential, as early detection means that your pet will get the care she needs promptly. For more information, please contact your local Cherry Hill, NJ vet clinic
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Cats are pretty fastidious so it is pretty easy to train your cat to use the litter box. However, there are times when she may eliminate outside the litter box. The most common reason for avoiding the litter box is that it is too dirty. If it is too wet and stinky for your cat, she will find a less appropriate place to go. Thus you need to keep the litter box clean. Stress can drive your cat away from the litter box. Stress can be caused by new household members, guests, construction noises, or rearranging the furniture. You may need to set up an additional box as she adjusts to the new arrangements. Avoiding the litter box can also indicate that your cat isn’t feeling well. If you can’t find an easy explanation for your cat’s litter box avoidance, make an appointment with your South Oklahoma City, OK veterinarian for evaluation and treatment.
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Some dog breeds are more susceptible to back injuries than others such as Dachshunds, Shih Tzus and Bassett Hounds. However, any dog can hurt his back if you don’t work to protect it. Don’t let your dog jump down from beds or sofas. The shock from landing puts too much stress through the shoulders into the back. Avoid roughhousing that could cause stress to the back and neck such as tug of war or twisting while jumping. Never tug back on your dog’s leash. Consider using a harness with a leash for walks so any pressure is transferred from the neck to the shoulders. When you lift your dog, support him carefully and keep him horizontal. Watch for any signs of back issues such as pain, numbness, dragging feet or paralysis. Prompt attention is needed for best results. Contact your South Oklahoma City, OK vet to learn more. Or set an appointment here:
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Choosing a kennel to board your dog while you are away can take some time and effort. However, your peace of mind and your dog’s safety is important. Do your research. Ask friends and family about potential kennels. Read reviews. Think about your dog’s needs and make a short of list of kennels that meet these needs. Schedule tours of these facilities without your dog. Observe the dogs and check out where your dog will sleep, play, and eat. Ensure that there are separate areas for large and small dogs. Talk to the staff to understand how your dog will be treated. Check that your dog’s vaccinations are up to date including protection from kennel cough. Bring your dog in for a trial stay of a few hours to see how your dog does in the facility. Then make your choice with confidence. Consult your vet South Oklahoma City, OK to learn more.
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