Main » 2017 » August » 28 » When Your Cat Stops Using the Litter Box
8:43 AM
When Your Cat Stops Using the Litter Box

Cats are pretty fastidious so it is pretty easy to train your cat to use the litter box. However, there are times when she may eliminate outside the litter box. The most common reason for avoiding the litter box is that it is too dirty. If it is too wet and stinky for your cat, she will find a less appropriate place to go. Thus you need to keep the litter box clean. Stress can drive your cat away from the litter box. Stress can be caused by new household members, guests, construction noises, or rearranging the furniture. You may need to set up an additional box as she adjusts to the new arrangements. Avoiding the litter box can also indicate that your cat isn’t feeling well. If you can’t find an easy explanation for your cat’s litter box avoidance, make an appointment with your South Oklahoma City, OK veterinarian for evaluation and treatment.

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