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Hound dogs are a hunter’s all-time favorite when it comes to chasing and catching game. Their keen ability to smell and hear puts them way above other breeds of dogs. These dogs also have the energy and temperament for following a scent trail even for very long distances, as well as chasing and catching game.

There are 2 main groups of hound dogs – the scenthounds and sighthounds

  • Scenthounds

Scenthounds have the most sensitive sense of smell among all the canine breeds. In addition to hunting, these dogs are used for detecting contraband goods, illegal drugs, and even explosives. They can follow scent trails even if these take them through rugged terrain and across bodies of water. Beagles and bloodhounds are just two of the most popular breeds of scenthounds.

Views: 379 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 08.21.2017 | Comments (0)

Your pet is a part of your family, and you want to make sure you are able to care for her at all times. This means taking the time to look at your neck of the woods, and determining scenarios that could come to pass, like natural disasters.

To prepare for the worst, consider what you can do to not only keep your pet safe, but to help offer some comfort and familiarity during these times. Have some extra food, water, and comfort items on hand for your little fur ball, and make sure you have a bag packed for him should you need to suddenly leave. Have a plan set in place in case you can’t get back to your pet when you anticipate doing so, so he is cared for while you are getting home. Your local Lafayette, LA vet can help you care for your pet. Visit this site for more information.< ... Read more »

Views: 389 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 08.21.2017 | Comments (0)

Making sure that you are buying or bringing home a healthy lizard is very important. That’s why impulsive buying is never a recommended practice when buying pets. Before picking out a lizard, you should try to spend some time observing them closely so you will be able to select the healthiest one. Don’t pick a lizard that is lethargic and keeps on staying at the bottom of the cage, or one with chubby legs but is thin and with hipbones that are protruding. Also, make sure that the lizard is free from any skin problems. These defects may possibly indicate certain health problems that may kill the lizard before any medication or veterinary attention can have any effect.

Providing the right housing environment and a nutritionally balanced diet that is appropriate for the type of lizard that you have will all go a long way in keeping your pet healthy.

Don’t hesitate to ... Read more »

Views: 383 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 08.21.2017 | Comments (0)

You have had your dog for a little while now, and you have gotten to know other pet owners as well. This means that you’ve talked about the care you offer your pets. Many others bring their dogs to see a professional groomer. Do you need to do this?

Every family is unique, so only you will know what is right for your little fur ball. Consider his breed, and the care it takes to keep him well-groomed. Professional grooming usually covers tasks like bathing your pet, brushing out his fur, trimming his fur if necessary, and trimming his nails as well. If you are able to comfortably handle these tasks on your own at home, you may not need the services of a professional groomer. Conversely, it may be a wonderful thing for your family to pursue. Your local Lafayette, LA vet clinic can offer additional advice. Visit website ... Read more »

Views: 402 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 08.21.2017 | Comments (0)

Vaccines protect cats from medical conditions that are potentially life-threatening. But there are certain risks associated with vaccinations that pet owners should be aware of. However, these potential risks should be considered carefully against the benefits of having adequate protection against specific serious health issues that can significantly affect a cat’s longevity and quality of life. While vaccination reactions do occur, severe reactions are extremely rare and are usually manifested in approximately 1 in every 10,000 cats.  

It’s a fact that reactions to vaccinations do occur. Some reactions may occur immediately, while some may be manifested a few days or weeks later. In the past, some medical conditions such as arthritis, epilepsy, chronic skin conditions, immune system disorders, and other types of health issues have been linked to vaccinations as adverse reactions.  Bu ... Read more »

Views: 462 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 08.21.2017 | Comments (0)

Vision problems can affects dogs of all ages. Visually-impaired dogs need all the support and help that their owners can give so they will remain confident and secure. Their quality of life will depend to a large extent on the extra care and consideration given by their owners and how well their other senses compensate for the loss of vision.

Since a blind dog depends on his memory to navigate around the home, you should avoid making any major changes in the orientation of things in the home. 

One sense that becomes more sensitive as a dog develops visual problems is their sense of smell.  They will be able to recognize a member of the pack or tell what part of the house they are in by the scent alone. To avoid any distractions, avoid air fresheners or other strong-smelling products inside the home.

Your visually-impaired pet will bene ... Read more »

Views: 379 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 08.21.2017 | Comments (0)