Main » 2017 » August » 21 » Are Vaccines Really Safe For Cats?
3:59 AM
Are Vaccines Really Safe For Cats?

Vaccines protect cats from medical conditions that are potentially life-threatening. But there are certain risks associated with vaccinations that pet owners should be aware of. However, these potential risks should be considered carefully against the benefits of having adequate protection against specific serious health issues that can significantly affect a cat’s longevity and quality of life. While vaccination reactions do occur, severe reactions are extremely rare and are usually manifested in approximately 1 in every 10,000 cats.  

It’s a fact that reactions to vaccinations do occur. Some reactions may occur immediately, while some may be manifested a few days or weeks later. In the past, some medical conditions such as arthritis, epilepsy, chronic skin conditions, immune system disorders, and other types of health issues have been linked to vaccinations as adverse reactions.  But these problems can also be caused by diet, genetics, and the pet’s lifestyle.

One common reaction of vaccination in cats is the development of a malignant tumor on the injection site. The sarcoma may develop in response to any foreign substance that is injected or introduced under the skin. Any swelling at the injection site that persists for several days should be checked by your Scottsdale, AZ veterinarian.

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