Main » 2017 » June » 18 » Boarding your Horse
8:02 PM
Boarding your Horse

If you are thinking about purchasing or adopting a horse then one of the first things you will need to do is find a place to keep your horse. If you have a barn at home then keeping him there would be the best choice. However, not everyone has a barn or pasture for their horse at home. In this case you will need to board your horse. Your equine vet may be able to assist you in finding the best boarding arrangement for you and your horse. Many standard boarding barns will provide a stall plus paddock or pasture turnout for a set fee each month. Low fees may only include a stall and turnout with you having to supply your horse’s grain, bedding, hay and other care. Higher fee boarding facilities often provide all care including grain, hay and bedding. Talk with your veterinarian Mattoon, IL to learn more.

Views: 447 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: Pet Care center | Rating: 0.0/0
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