Main » 2017 » June » 7 » Encouraging your Pacific Parrotlet Parrot to Dance
12:25 PM
Encouraging your Pacific Parrotlet Parrot to Dance

Dancing is a great way for pet birds to exercise and burn off some extra energy. Parrots are generally a music loving species and they especially like to dance. If you’ve noticed your Pacific Parrotlet moving around more when music is playing then you’ve most likely get a natural on your hand! Exercise helps keep Pacific Parrotlets occupied and happy. Parrots, like the Pacific Parrotlet, are notorious for getting bored and developing negative habits. Exercising regularly can help prevent this. You can encourage your Pacific Parrotlet to dance by simply turning on the radio and waiting for him to hear his favorite musical rhythms. Some owners even have their children start dancing first, which tends to spur on the dancing of the bird. If possible, allow your Pacific Parrotlet out of his cage to dance and move around even more. Consult with your veterinarian Flatwoods, KY for more exercise tips and suggestions.

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