Cats can also suffer from constipation. Without proper veterinary attention, constipation in cats can develop to become a life-threatening problem. Daily litter box cleaning and maintenance will enable pet owners to determine whether there are any distinct changes in their pet’s bowel movement as well as the consistency, amount, and size of the feces. Some of the important signs of constipation that pet owners should be on the lookout for include the following:
- Straining but unable to pass any stool
- Fecal waste appears small, dry, and/or hard
- There may be small amounts of watery stool
- Depression
- Vomiting
- Anorexia
You should
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The most distinct sign of cherry eye in cats is red mass that seems to pop out of the eye. The mass is actually the gland of the third eyelid that is protruding from the inner corner or one or both of the cat’s eyes. Unlike humans who have two eyelids, cats possess there. The third eyelid is called the nictitating membrane. Normally, the membrane is not visible because it is well-anchored to the surrounding tissue. Its main functions involve protecting and moisturizing of the eyeball by contributing to tear production. Cherry eye occurs when the gland of the third eyelid turns inside out, making the gland more prominent, making it appear as a bright red mass bulging right inside the corner of the cat’s eye(s).
There are no medical or surgical procedures that can prevent the problem in cats without risking serious side effects. While it is possible to have the third eyelid surgically removed, the cat will r
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A good number of asthma cases in cats can be prevented when steps are taken to identify and remove the allergen from the cat’s immediate environment. Unfortunately, this is not always possible, especially since the offending substance is never identified. If the offending allergen cannot be established, your cat may require medical therapy and supportive care for symptom relief. Fortunately, there are several prescription and OTC medications that can be used safely for cats, but pet owners should take note that these medications won’t prevent or cure the problem. You should talk to your vet if you have problems and/or concerns about your pet’s allergies.
Asthma is fairly common among pet cats. The symptoms are usually observed in young to middle-aged cats, though senior cats can also be affected. Since asthma symptoms are similar to signs of respiratory disorders, identifying the root cause of the pr
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Cats naturally possess the natural need to sleep at least 16 hours a day, on average, a trait that they have inherited from their ancestors. However, some cats are inclined to spend most of the day snoozing because they lack physical and mental stimulation. Cat owners should enrich their pet’s indoor environment so their furballs will have something interesting to do. Invest in interactive toys, establish a daily grooming session, and install kitty furniture, creating lots of opportunities for your pet to engage in natural behavior. Increased activity can also help burn off the ponds and keep your pet’s muscles and heart working. You might also consider installing a window perch as well as a bird feeder right outside the window. Your cat will surely spend hours gazing at everything happening outside.
There are various easy ways to provide physical and mental stimulation to your cat. Don’t forget to d
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Did you know that there is approximately a 60% risk your kitty is at risk for the most common health threat affecting cats? This threat is the risk of having an overweight or obese pet. Unfortunately many pet owners remain unaware of the potentially life-threatening consequences of an obese pet—diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, ACL tears, hormonal problems, hypertension, and some types of cancers.
There are different factors that can cause obesity including too much intake of calories from food and treats, not enough physical activity, and genetic predisposition.
Many cats start gaining weight after being spayed or neutered. This is an important reason to reduce the amount of food your cat eats because as the hormone levels change, the animal’s metabolism starts slowing down by about 30% after the procedure.
You can
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Since cats are so good at concealing early signs of pain or discomfort, most cat parents notice that their furballs are acting a little strange when the problem is already well-advanced. Here are important signs to watch out for:
Lethargy generally equates to drowsiness, delayed reactions, or laziness. Some possible underlying causes include cancer, injury, anemia, and a variety of disorders affecting major organ systems of the body.
Loss of Appetite
Cats are known for being finicky eaters, but sudden changes in their eating habits and appetite should be a cause for concern.
Persistent Vomiting or Gagging
Cats may cough up hairballs occasionally, but repetitive vomiting or gagg
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