Main » 2016 » August » 21 » Your Cat Is Not Oversleeping
4:16 AM
Your Cat Is Not Oversleeping

Cats naturally possess the natural need to sleep at least 16 hours a day, on average, a trait that they have inherited from their ancestors. However, some cats are inclined to spend most of the day snoozing because they lack physical and mental stimulation. Cat owners should enrich their pet’s indoor environment so their furballs will have something interesting to do. Invest in interactive toys, establish a daily grooming session, and install kitty furniture, creating lots of opportunities for your pet to engage in natural behavior. Increased activity can also help burn off the ponds and keep your pet’s muscles and heart working. You might also consider installing a window perch as well as a bird feeder right outside the window. Your cat will surely spend hours gazing at everything happening outside.

There are various easy ways to provide physical and mental stimulation to your cat. Don’t forget to discuss these concerns with your Mt. Pleasant, SC vet on your next visit. Visit this link to learn more.

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