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If you’re blanketing your other livestock this winter then you may want to consider blanketing your Huacaya alpacas. In general, the temperatures, environmental settings, and the Huacaya alpaca’s age and health will determine whether or not a blanket is needed. If the temperature slowly drops over a few days then your Huacaya alpaca may not be in need of a blanket.  However, if there is a sudden change in weather or drop in temperature then it may be a good idea to have your alpacas wear blankets in preparation. Some owners are able to avoid blankets by placing their Huacaya alpacas in a barn, providing outdoor shelter, or even providing some sort of shelter from the wind and elements. Older Huacaya alpacas or even younger ones may need to be blanketed as a precaution. Give your veterinarian Mattoon, IL a call if you need additional help or suggestions.

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Views: 506 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 03.17.2016 | Comments (0)

Did you know that cows can have allergies just like humans and other animals can? Different breeds, including the Highland cow breed, can sometimes develop allergic reactions to things in the environment like dust or even feed. If you notice your Highland Cow sneezing excessively give your vet a call. Your vet may ask you if your Highland Cow has any other symptoms such as watery eyes or a cough. A sneeze may be accompanied by other symptoms signaling a respiratory infection or allergies. Highland Cows can have allergic reactions to things like dust, pollen and even some hay and grass. If you suspect allergies, try wetting hay to reduce dust. You may also want to try a different hay altogether. If you use bedding you may want to try using a different type. If your Highland Cow continues to sneeze or wheeze, talk to your veterinary clinic Mattoon, IL. For more details, click here.

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Views: 709 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 03.17.2016 | Comments (0)

Before purchasing an American Yorkshire hog to raise you may want to talk to your local vet or expert farmer to learn a few basic rules for care. For instance, did you know that American Yorkshire hogs do not sweat in the way that other animals such as horses and cows sweat? These particular hogs do have sweat glands, but they are actually not very helpful when it comes to regulating their own body temperature. The sweat glands are located on the top of the American Yorkshire’s nose. This means the only place the hog can sweat is on or through his nose. This is not a sufficient method of sweating, which is why hogs like the American Yorkshire often wallow in the mud or water to cool off. The effects are generally the same as sweating. It’s important to make sure your hog has access to fresh water. Talk with your vet Mattoon, IL for more information.

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Views: 487 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 03.17.2016 | Comments (0)

Every pet owner should cultivate the habit of reading pet food labels and learning how to decipher them. Pet food labels contain vital information about the product which can help pet owners make well-informed decisions about their dog’s dietary needs. Important information that pet owners can get from reading pet food labels include a list of the ingredients that have been used in formulating the pet food product. Generally the ingredients are listed based on weight, from the largest to the smallest amount. One thing to keep in mind when reading pet food labels is that the amount of each ingredient does not reveal the true composition of the product. The numbers simply mean that the ingredient with the heaviest weight is the first one on the list; in most cases the weight of the first ingredient is attributed to its high moisture content. Consult your Costa Mesa, CA vet for any concerns or questions you m ... Read more »

Views: 449 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 03.17.2016 | Comments (0)

When adding a new dog to your household, the first few encounters between your new pet dog and your senior cat should happen on the resident pet’s terms. Since there is the likelihood that the dog’s actions can overwhelm your senior cat, make sure the cat can easily escape from every room in the house ; the cat should also have places to climb and hide so he can easily get away when he feels threatened by the dog’s attention or show of aggressive behavior. If you have selected a room as a safe spot for your pet cat, make sure to put up sturdy baby gates or other kinds of barriers that are durable enough to keep the dog out.

During the first few encounters, it is a good idea to keep your new pet on a leash so you will be able to pull him away from the cat in case he starts to act aggressively. This will also prevent the dog from pouncing or getting too close to your cat. These ‘controlled’ ... Read more »

Views: 478 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 03.17.2016 | Comments (0)