Main » 2016 » March » 17 » Why You Should Read Pet Food Labels
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Why You Should Read Pet Food Labels

Every pet owner should cultivate the habit of reading pet food labels and learning how to decipher them. Pet food labels contain vital information about the product which can help pet owners make well-informed decisions about their dog’s dietary needs. Important information that pet owners can get from reading pet food labels include a list of the ingredients that have been used in formulating the pet food product. Generally the ingredients are listed based on weight, from the largest to the smallest amount. One thing to keep in mind when reading pet food labels is that the amount of each ingredient does not reveal the true composition of the product. The numbers simply mean that the ingredient with the heaviest weight is the first one on the list; in most cases the weight of the first ingredient is attributed to its high moisture content. Consult your Costa Mesa, CA vet for any concerns or questions you may have about pet food.

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