Main » 2016 » March » 17 » Tips When Introducing A New Dog To A Senior Cat
5:30 AM
Tips When Introducing A New Dog To A Senior Cat

When adding a new dog to your household, the first few encounters between your new pet dog and your senior cat should happen on the resident pet’s terms. Since there is the likelihood that the dog’s actions can overwhelm your senior cat, make sure the cat can easily escape from every room in the house ; the cat should also have places to climb and hide so he can easily get away when he feels threatened by the dog’s attention or show of aggressive behavior. If you have selected a room as a safe spot for your pet cat, make sure to put up sturdy baby gates or other kinds of barriers that are durable enough to keep the dog out.

During the first few encounters, it is a good idea to keep your new pet on a leash so you will be able to pull him away from the cat in case he starts to act aggressively. This will also prevent the dog from pouncing or getting too close to your cat. These ‘controlled’ encounters may have to be undertaken for several days until your new pet and the resident cat become used to each other’s presence.

You should seek professional help from your Costa Mesa, CA veterinarian if you are dealing with any undesirable pet behavior.

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