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Your home is where you are most comfortable, and you want your ferret to be happy in this space as well. In order for this to happen, you will need to make sure it is a safe place for her to spend her time. This means not only making sure her enclosure is a great place for her to spend her days, but also the areas of your home that she frequents outside of this.

Make sure to block off any small areas that your pet could sneak into. Ferrets are very curious and have a way of wedging themselves into areas you’d think would be too small. They also are very smart, so they can find ways to accomplish their desires with ease. Also remove any toxic items or choking hazards that they may come across to ensure that they are safe. Contact your local veterinary clinic Livonia MI for complete pet care.

Views: 441 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 03.21.2016 | Comments (0)

It isn’t uncommon for dogs to chase their tails. There are many reasons why a dog might chase his tail, and the reasons for his behavior may affect whether or not you want to consider stopping him.

Some dogs chase their tails because of a mental or behavioral problem. If you don’t break your dog of the habit, it may become detrimental to his physical and mental health. In this case, it’s absolutely necessary to stop your dog from chasing his tail.

On the other hand, some dogs chase their tails simply because they’re bored. Some dogs will even chase their tails because they want your attention! In these cases, it’s okay to let your dog chase his tail to his heart’s content.

If you worry that your dog’s behavior has a medical or mental cause, schedule an appoint ... Read more »

Views: 782 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 03.21.2016 | Comments (0)

You may think that the quality of your cat’s coat is all about looks, but it’s much more than that. A silky coat is a sign that your pet is happy and healthy. Here are some tips for making sure that your cat is as healthy on the outside as he is on the inside.

It all starts with the right diet. A high-quality cat food will make sure that your cat is healthy and that his coat is shiny. Some pet foods are actually formulated to provide your pet with a super-soft coat.

Regular grooming can also keep your cat looking his best. Use a brush or comb that’s suited to your cat’s particular coat and brush him regularly.

You can also consider giving your pet supplements, but you should check with your vet Olathe, KS first. For more details, click here.

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Views: 483 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 03.21.2016 | Comments (0)

You love your pocket pet, and you enjoy interacting with her. However, you wonder how much attention she actually wants from you. How often should you be handling her?

When it comes to socialization between a pocket pet and her owner, the answer isn’t as simple as you might think. Many pocket pets can form strong bonds with the humans they interact with, and want to spend time with them. However, they also need time outside their enclosure to get some exercise. The times for bonding and movement can sometimes blend together, causing your pet to spend time out of her cage regularly, but not necessarily be able to move about freely because she is being held. Be conscious of how much time your pet is offered for exercise, sleep, and other necessary functions, then work around this. For more information, please contact your local Livonia, MI vet clinic Healthy Pet Company - Country Ridge

Views: 435 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 03.21.2016 | Comments (0)

Parrots sometimes bite and it can really hurt. Your bird doesn’t bite to be mean or spiteful so punishment does not prevent biting. Birds will bite if they don’t trust you. Help your bird become accustomed to you by sitting near its cage and talk or sing softly. Drape your hand in the cage so it can explore your hand and get comfortable with you. Eventually you can train your bird to step up on your hand. Birds will also bite if over-stimulated. Watch your bird’s body language. If it seems too excited, end playtime and put it back in the cage. Birds may bite if they don’t feel well or if there is too much stress in the household. Watch for signs of illness and seek medical attention if needed. Cover your bird’s cage so it gets at least 12 hours of undisturbed sleep daily. For more information, contact your Warminster, PA veterinarian.

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Views: 589 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 03.21.2016 | Comments (0)