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Your new puppy is already an integral part of your family, and you want to show her the best way to interact with those around her. Since biting is how puppies often play with each other, they tend to do the same when they are playing with humans as well. It’s important that you are able to train your puppy not to do this in order to prevent any issues in the future. To do this, simply teach your pet that she doesn’t get what she wants by taking part in this activity. This means that whenever your puppy begins to bite you, cease from offering her any attention. If you do this consistently, she will learn that you will not play with her if she is biting, and she will steer clear of this action. You can visit us for additional guidance regarding puppy care.

Views: 454 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 02.09.2016 | Comments (0)

In their natural habitat, dormice consume a variety of foods including fruit, nuts, seeds, insects, and even birds’ eggs. They also derive nourishment from nectar, pollen, saps, and other sweet gums. In captivity, their diet should include a seed mix (such as those that are made for hamsters or other types of small rodents), fruits and vegetables, and protein-rich foods such as feeder insects (crickets and mealworms), yogurt, cooked chicken, and hard boiled eggs. Provision should be made for nectar for natural enrichment. Fresh fruits and veggies can be offered in the evening and any leftovers should be removed in the morning to prevent spoilage. Variety in their diet is important to prevent your African dormice from becoming fussy eaters. It will also help promote a healthy balance.

Feed your African dormice on heavy ceramic dishes. Most will readily eat from dishes placed on the floor of their enclosure. You c ... Read more »

Views: 458 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 02.09.2016 | Comments (0)

Many people think that cats are solitary creatures, which may stem from the fact that they are quite independent when they choose to be. However, they are NOT solitary creatures; in fact cats get very stressed out if they are left alone for a considerable length of time. This can pave the way for the development of all sorts of behavior problems including constant meowing, excessive grooming, and litter box problems.

It is not advisable to leave cats on their own for long periods of time to prevent them from displaying undesirable behavior. Regular interaction and lots of play time will keep your kitty occupied; these are also great opportunities to bond with your pet.  When your cat is left alone for a considerable length of time during the day, leaving cat-safe toys and cat furniture will keep your pet busy when you are at work. However, these things should never be used as substitute to spending quality time w ... Read more »

Views: 443 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 02.09.2016 | Comments (0)

Your cat loves spending time outside, and often opts to head outdoors the first chance she gets. However, today she needs to spend some time indoors. How can you take her mind off the fact that she can’t head out like she usually does?


Your pet probably likes to head outside because she gets lots of mental stimulation and physical exercise. This means that to keep her busy, you will need to mimic these indoors. Your attention is always appreciated, and playing with your pet can be a great way to enjoy some time together. It can also offer you an opportunity to encourage some movement in your pet’s activities and give her something new to concentrate on. You can also keep a new toy or two around to keep her occupied if this coincides with a busy day of your own. Contact Mt Olive Veterinary Hospital for complete care of your lovely cat.

Views: 412 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 02.09.2016 | Comments (0)

While domesticated dogs are better cared for, they are often subjected to intense pressures that their ancestors never dreamed of. Many pet dogs don’t have opportunities to express their innate drives and behaviors, often leading to feelings of discontentment. Their frustrations can become potent fuel for undesirable behaviors, like excessive barking, destructive behavior, and even inappropriate elimination.

Dogs are pack animals and pet owners should make an effort to create the right social environment for their pets. Dogs feel safer and more confident when they are around “kinfolk”. If your dog is left home alone during the day, it is a good idea to consider bringing home another dog so they can keep each other company. However, you should consider it very carefully, including your finances. If the idea is not feasible, you can arrange meet-ups and play visits with friends or neighbors who have do ... Read more »

Views: 511 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 02.09.2016 | Comments (0)

Your dog loves to take walks with you day after day. He looks forward to them, and gets excited when the time is getting near. Because he gets so much from this time with you, you want to make sure you are offering him the best possible walk you can. How can you tell how long these walks should be?

Your pet needs you to determine the best walk length for him, and to do this you will have to be a vigilant pet owner. This means taking the time to determine a normal walk length by paying close attention to your pet’s behavior when you’re out and about. Your dog should be able to complete the walk without getting too tired, but still not be filled with energy upon arriving home. Your local Wake Forest, NC vet can offer additional advice.

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Views: 512 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 02.09.2016 | Comments (0)

Your dog loves to chew on things around your home, and there is a good reason behind this. Many dogs simply begin to chew on something because they have the time to spare and it offers them something to do. Chewing also gives them information about the items they are gnawing on. They are able to tell if something tastes good, is edible, is hard, and what kind of texture it has all by chewing on it for a little while. Puppies may also be chewing because it feels good on their mouth. Teething can cause pressure to build up and pain to be present, and chewing on certain items can help relieve some of this pain. Be conscious of what your dog is chewing on and make sure he only is offered safe things for him to utilize in this way. For additional information, please contact your local Wake Forest, NC vet clinic.

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Views: 449 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 02.09.2016 | Comments (0)