Male dogs will hump other dogs, other animals, furniture, stuffed animals or people. It can be embarrassing but is generally an innocuous behavior. Neutering your dog can drastically reduce humping incidents but may not eliminate the behavior entirely. Your dog may hump if anxious or excited and this can be an aggressive or dominant behavior. Humping may also indicate boredom so check to see that your dog gets enough physical exercise. An occasional incident is pretty normal and should be ignored. It’s only if humping becomes much more frequent or unpleasant. Do not punish your dog for excessive humping. Exercise and obedience training can help. If your dog is tired, he is less likely to misbehave and if he is sitting, he can’t be humping. Anticipate humping situations and get your dog under control and redirect him with a toy or other activities. For more information you can consult Animal Hospital Savann
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Guinea pigs are quite social and can be vocal about it. The most frequently heard sound from your guinea pig is a high-pitched squeal that is associated with a call for attention. This squeal is used to show excitement over feeding time or just to see you. It is a funny sound and a pleasure to hear, knowing your piggy is happy. Guinea pigs will also rumble and make a purring sound. It almost appears like your pig is talking to himself. This is a clear sign of contentment. Your pig may chatter his teeth and this is not so welcome. It is a sign that your guinea pig is annoyed and may act aggressively. Your pig may bite you or fight with other guinea pigs in your household. A really high pitch squeal with a plaintive sound may indicate your pig is hurt or in pain. Learn more from your Warminster, PA veterinary clinic.
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Your parakeet needs exercise for its physical health but also to keep your bird mentally stimulated. Your bird’s cage should be large enough to jump around from perch to perch and fly a bit. Provide your bird with toys and apparatus to encourage climbing and swinging. Make sure everything you put in your bird’s cage is bird-safe. Give your parakeet plenty to play with but don’t add so many items to your bird’s cage that it becomes difficult to move around. Mix up the assortment of toys in the cage to keep your bird’s interest. The best exercise for your bird is flying so plan on safe time out of the cage for flight. Secure the room before taking your bird out of the cage. Check all windows and doors. Supervise your parakeet at all times while it is out of the cage. Contact your veterinarian Doylestown, PA for more information.
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Even if your dog is in your house most of the time and your yard is generally secure, your dog may slip away on occasion. Prevention can’t be overlooked but the two best ways to get your dog back once he has run away is through microchipping and an ID tag on a secure collar. Microchips are inserted under the skin and its number is registered in a database with your contact information. If your dog is found, the police or local animal shelter can scan the chip so your dog can be reunited with you. However, this could take time or your dog may not get scanned quickly. Keep a secure collar with an ID tag on your dog at all times. Anyone who finds your dog can see your contact information on the tag to reunite you with your dog quickly. Learn more from your Doylestown, PA veterinary clinic.
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Did you know that cockatoos are prone to seizures or epileptic episodes? In fact, seizure activity can be found in a variety of bird species including budgies, Amazon parrots, African greys, finches, and lovebirds just to name a few. When a parrot or bird has a seizure he may fall from his perch, act disoriented, restless, agitated, and may even go into sporadic convulsions. If this happens to your Cockatoo, call your vet. Your vet may run a variety of tests to determine a cause for the seizure. If an underlying cause is found then treatment will start there. For instance, if a vitamin deficiency is discovered, your vet will most likely treat that first. Your vet may also treat the seizure directly through medication. Most treatments are used in an effort to lessen the occurrence and severity of seizures. Always ask your veterinarian Doylestown, PA additional questions if you are unsure about a treatment or dia
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