Main » 2016 » February » 9 » How long should your dog's walk be?
5:46 AM
How long should your dog's walk be?

Your dog loves to take walks with you day after day. He looks forward to them, and gets excited when the time is getting near. Because he gets so much from this time with you, you want to make sure you are offering him the best possible walk you can. How can you tell how long these walks should be?

Your pet needs you to determine the best walk length for him, and to do this you will have to be a vigilant pet owner. This means taking the time to determine a normal walk length by paying close attention to your pet’s behavior when you’re out and about. Your dog should be able to complete the walk without getting too tired, but still not be filled with energy upon arriving home. Your local Wake Forest, NC vet can offer additional advice.

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