Main » 2016 » February » 9 » Feeding African Dormice
1:30 PM
Feeding African Dormice

In their natural habitat, dormice consume a variety of foods including fruit, nuts, seeds, insects, and even birds’ eggs. They also derive nourishment from nectar, pollen, saps, and other sweet gums. In captivity, their diet should include a seed mix (such as those that are made for hamsters or other types of small rodents), fruits and vegetables, and protein-rich foods such as feeder insects (crickets and mealworms), yogurt, cooked chicken, and hard boiled eggs. Provision should be made for nectar for natural enrichment. Fresh fruits and veggies can be offered in the evening and any leftovers should be removed in the morning to prevent spoilage. Variety in their diet is important to prevent your African dormice from becoming fussy eaters. It will also help promote a healthy balance.

Feed your African dormice on heavy ceramic dishes. Most will readily eat from dishes placed on the floor of their enclosure. You can also hang a small dish or basket from a branch or the side of the tank for feeding. Also, make sure to change your pet’s water regularly.  For more information about your pet’s dietary needs visit a South Miami, FL veterinarian.

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