Main » 2016 » December » 29 » Handling Your Cat
8:54 PM
Handling Your Cat

Handling your cat properly can elicit a sense of security and trust. To pick up your cat, act quickly and efficiently. Use one hand under her chest and use the other hand to scoop her up by the hindquarters. Pull your cat close to your chest so she is not of risk of falling. Watch your cat’s body language to determine when picking her up is welcome. For instance, never pick up a sleeping cat or you may frighten her and she may lash out by scratching or biting. Pet your cat in the direction her fur grows and get to know the “approved” areas. Some cats are uncomfortable with you handling her legs and belly. Even covering her eyes may be unwelcome. Handle your cat’s feet and nails plus her teeth and gums to better enable grooming tasks. Don’t forget time for cuddling. Contact your Eagle, ID vet to learn more or click here.

Views: 475 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: Pet Care center | Rating: 0.0/0
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