Main » 2016 » December » 8 » What do hedgehogs eat?
2:26 AM
What do hedgehogs eat?

Your family will soon be adding a hedgehog to your household, and you want to have everything on hand to care for your new companion. What should you make sure to purchase to feed your hedgehog?

Your pet will need nutrients from a few different sources in order to stay fit and healthy. This will include commercial mixes of both wet and dry varieties. These will help your pet get a good amount of the nutrients he needs, but you should also supplement this with other items. Fresh produce is a necessity, as are high protein foods. Be mindful of portion sizes as you feed your pet, and be sure to keep track of what you are offering so his vet can get an idea of his diet and make any necessary changes. Your local vet services Happy Valley, OR can offer additional suggestions.

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