Main » 2016 » October » 4 » Situations That Trigger Insecurity In Cats
12:59 PM
Situations That Trigger Insecurity In Cats

Did you know that a stressful environment can make even the most confident cats insecure? A sudden change in the daily routine of the household, moving to a new place, or even a visit to the vet clinic can potentially trigger feelings of insecurity in cats.

Being creatures of habit, cats thrive with routine. Any change can stress them out and when they’re insecure they feel that their comfort and security is threatened switching them on defense mode. Thus, you may find an insecure cat suddenly hiding under your bed or behind furniture. Some even hide in the laundry basket or an open washing machine. However, not all cats that seek out these places have feelings of insecurity. Some just like to sleep without being disturbed. So it is a good idea to observe your pet carefully before making any conclusion. Consult your Plano, TX veterinarian if you have any concerns about your pet’s behavior.

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