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Cats are famous for being fastidious groomers. A cat that suddenly stops grooming himself may be suffering from illness, so it’s a good idea to bring him to the vet for a thorough checkup.

There are a variety of reasons cats refrain from engaging in their grooming habits. Carrying excess pounds may reduce their flexibility. Cats suffering from arthritis or gum and teeth problems may also refrain from grooming because it can worsen the pain they are feeling. Cats are very flexible and anything that affects this flexibility can have a significant impact on their wellbeing. When a cat is unable to reach some part of his body during grooming, you will notice that the hairs in these parts are dirty and matted.

Pet cats will benefit from regular grooming help from their owners. Know more about your pet’s grooming needs on your next visit ... Read more »

Views: 506 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 07.29.2016 | Comments (0)

Hairballs (trichobezoar) are actually composed of hair and other indigestible material that forms a ball in the digestive tract. Cats are prone to hairball formation because of their grooming habits, where they tend to swallow fur. A cat’s tongue contain rough barbs that are oriented toward the cat’s throat, thus anything that is caught on them is eventually swallowed. Grooming presents excellent opportunities for ingesting hair, considering that they do it every day, several times a day.

Most of the hair that cats swallow pass through the digestive tract without any problem, and end up in their feces. However, there are instances when hairs accumulate and form a tight knot or ball which can’t pass out of the stomach. The cat will eventually try to cough out the hairball, and when it comes out, it looks more like a thin sausage than a ball as a result of passing through esophagus, which is long and n ... Read more »

Views: 508 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 07.29.2016 | Comments (0)

Many bitches go through a false pregnancy. It is actually a normal physiological function that evolved to help the pups of the pack survive. In the wild, it is only the female dogs occupying the top of the social ladder that actually produce litters. The other bitches only produce milk to help feed the pups. Even with domestication, these false pregnancies can still occur.

Bitches of any age can go through a false pregnancy. Signs are generally seen 4-9 weeks after the end of the dog’s heat cycle. The affected dog may have enlarged mammary glands; when pressed, there may be milk, but some dogs don’t actually secrete milk at all. The bitch may also undergo behavior changes—becoming clingy, possessive of toys, or uneasy. They may also engage in nesting behavior. Some go off-feed, and there may be display of occasional aggressive behavior.

The signs usually disappear ... Read more »

Views: 488 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 07.29.2016 | Comments (0)

As dogs grow older, they tend to slow down and tire out a little faster than they used to, more so when it’s hot. Fortunately, there are still plenty of activities you can do together.

Instead of those long hikes, try a shorter router and a picnic. Your senior dog will also enjoy a stroll around a lake. Since they are more sensitive to temperature extremes, make sure to schedule your excursions at appropriate hours of the day. Bring your pet’s water to make sure he remains well-hydrated. If it’s cold, your dog can always wear a short coat, such as a doggy sweater. Since many senior dogs become more anxious being in new or strange surroundings, it is a good idea to take him to familiar places so he will feel more comfortable.

Know more about your senior pet’s needs for exercise by talking to your Raleigh, NC veterinarian ... Read more »

Views: 490 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 07.29.2016 | Comments (0)

As female dogs get older, they can develop particular health problems , which are especially common among those that have not been spayed. The female hormones –estrogen and progesterone— can fuel the occurrence of these health problems.

Typically, a bitch goes into heat about twice a year. This normally lasts for 3 weeks; the bitch is most fertile around day 10-12. A reddish discharge from the vulva is present during the early part of the heat season, which gradually changes to a light creamy discharge around the time of ovulation. As female dogs get older, the time between each season generally gets longer and each season shorter, with less vulvar discharges. However, if the heat season becomes longer, or there is an abnormal discharge, or if they stop altogether, the possibility of an internal reproductive disease probably exists. This can be life-threatening thus you should take your pet to your Raleigh ... Read more »

Views: 521 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 07.29.2016 | Comments (0)

Did you know that ear infections is one of the top reasons dogs are brought to veterinarians? Inflammation of the external ear (otitis externa) is commonly seen in dogs,, especially those with long floppy ears or those that tend to suffer from other skin problems. Knowing some of the important predisposing factors to ear infections can help pet owners take measures to protect their pets. In addition to long, floppy ears, here are other important predisposing factors of ear infections in dogs:

  • Dogs with abnormal ear anatomy (such as those with very narrow ear canals like Shar-peis)
  • Trauma
  • Water or hair in the ears
  • Tumors or other types of growth
  • Allergies
  • Parasites
  • Foreign materials ... Read more »
Views: 464 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 07.29.2016 | Comments (0)