There are many different equine varieties to choose from, but some of those animals appear almost identical. What exactly are the differences between miniature horses and ponies?
Although they appear similar, upon closer inspection, you’ll discover that miniature horses and ponies are actually built differently.
Ponies can grow up to be 58 inches tall. They have thick necks and thick bodies. They have short, stubby legs and they can be pretty ornery.
Miniature horses, on the other hand, are actually smaller than most pony breeds as they grow to be up to 34 inches tall. They are more in proportion than ponies, literally appearing like a small horse. They are able to live longer than most pony breeds and they are arguably easier to train.
To learn more about the differences between ponies and miniature horses, contact your veterinary clinic Olathe, KS for additional information.
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Grooming your dog regularly is important. Not only does it keep your pet happy, it can also keep him healthy. The question is, exactly how often should you brush your dog?
Your dog’s coat will help you determine exactly how often you should brush him. If your dog has a short, thin coat, you may not have to brush him very often. As a matter of fact, some pet parents can get away without brushing their dog at all.
If your dog has a medium or long coat, or if he has a fluffy undercoat, he should be brushed on a regular basis. You should try and brush your dog at least once every few days. If he’s prone to mats, you may have to make time to brush him every day.
For help grooming your dog, schedule an appointment with your veterinary clinic Olathe, KS.
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Every cat needs a litter box, but that doesn’t mean you want your guests to see it as soon as they walk in the door. Unfortunately, hiding the box can be a real challenge, especially if you live in a small space. Here are a few creative ways to hide that litter box.
Putting the box in a closet is the easiest way to hide it. You can even leave the closet door cracked to hide it even more.
Some litter boxes are built into end tables. When guests arrive in your home, they won’t even notice that the litter box is there.
If you look hard, you can also find cat trees with bases that can hide a litter box.
Still having trouble hiding that box? Your veterinary clinic Olathe, KS can provide you with even more tips. Read more for additional information.
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Cats and dogs often chew on anything they can get their mouths on, thus it is no wonder that many of them have fractured or chipped teeth. Without proper veterinary attention, a serious tooth fracture can lead to a variety of important problems. When the fracture involves the tooth’s pulp cavity, it can pave the way for bacteria that is in the mouth to get into the pulp canal and cause an infection or abscess. This can eventually lead to infections affecting the roots of the tooth, bone loss, and the formation of an oro-nasal fistula (an abnormal connection between the nasal cavity and the mouth cavity). The dog or cat may also suffer from chronic sinus infections, as well as fracture of the mandible if the lower teeth are involved. If your pet dog or cat has a broken or damaged tooth, be sure to take your pet to your pet clinic so your Lakewood Ranch, FL vet can closely examine your pet’s teeth and associated structures as soon as possible.
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