Main » 2016 » July » 29 » Ear Infections In Dogs
7:47 AM
Ear Infections In Dogs

Did you know that ear infections is one of the top reasons dogs are brought to veterinarians? Inflammation of the external ear (otitis externa) is commonly seen in dogs,, especially those with long floppy ears or those that tend to suffer from other skin problems. Knowing some of the important predisposing factors to ear infections can help pet owners take measures to protect their pets. In addition to long, floppy ears, here are other important predisposing factors of ear infections in dogs:

  • Dogs with abnormal ear anatomy (such as those with very narrow ear canals like Shar-peis)
  • Trauma
  • Water or hair in the ears
  • Tumors or other types of growth
  • Allergies
  • Parasites
  • Foreign materials in the ears
  • Parasites (mites)
  • Auto-immune disease

A dog suffering from an ear infection may scratch the affected ear and shake their head. There may also be an unpleasant smell coming from the infected ear. Take your pet to your Raleigh, NC veterinarian for checkup and treatment.

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