It’s a sad fact but dogs don’t live as long as humans. However, there are a few things you can do to help your dog live as long a life as possible. Keep your dog slim. Obesity can lead to mobility issues and put your dog at risk for serious health conditions such as diabetes, heart disease or even cancer. Choose a high-quality, nutritionally complete food for your dog. Eliminate table scraps and keep treats to a minimal. This diet can keep muscles strong, maintain your dog’s immune system, help with digestive health and leads to mental sharpness. Concentrate on your dog’s dental health. Clean your dog’s teeth regularly and schedule periodic professional cleanings. Dental disease can cause pain and difficulty eating plus it can introduce dangerous bacteria into your dog’s bloodstream. Finally, keep up with your dog’s preventative medical care. Learn more from you
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Your dog is an important part of your family, and you are responsible for a large portion of her health. This is because you are the one that creates her home life, and you are in control over many aspects of her life.
To keep her fit and healthy, you should make a point to feed her the proper food for her age, breed, and unique health needs. This may change throughout her life, so reevaluate from time to time. Exercise is also important, so take the time to play with her regularly and offer walks daily. Her mental health is important as well. Help her feel that she is loved and valued by offering her companionship as well as caring for her needs as they arise. Your local Orangevale, CA vet clinic can help you care for your pet. Schedule an appointment today.
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Your cat loves to follow you around your home, but she tends to enjoy sticking to the areas she knows and is familiar with. This means that heading to the vet can be a bit problematic for her. She doesn’t quite understand what’s going on, and she can be upset by this. In order to help her stay calm, you will need to go out of your way to help her.
Your pet will need your reassurance, so take the time to give this to her whenever she seems unsure of herself. Talk to her throughout the visit, and pet her when possible. This will let her know that you care for her, and that everything is okay. Bring along a comfort item or two as well, so she can have a sense of familiarity while away from home. For more information, please contact your local Montgomery, TX veterinarian.
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Your cat deserves the best of everything, but this doesn’t mean that you have to spend top dollar on each and every item you purchase. In fact, even the more expensive ones can be obtained at a lower price if you are vigilant.
Coupons are often distributed by manufacturers in order to entice people to purchase their products. Take advantage of these when you find them, and make a point to seek them out. There may also be store coupons put out for the same items, allowing you to save even more. If you take the time to pair these with sale prices, you will be able to pick up pet supply items at rock bottom prices. If the items don’t expire for quite a while and you know your household will use the item before the designated date, feel free to stock up. For additional information, please contact your local Montgomery County, TX veterinarian.
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Your guinea pig needs plenty of time exercising, and it’s important that you offer this to her in a variety of ways. While you may be able to give her extra space in her enclosure to move about, she will still be hindered by the limited amount of space. She really needs to be brought out of her cage for some floor time. This will allow her to get some physical exercise out in the open while enjoying a change of scenery. It also gives her a chance to socialize with the people in her family, and to take part in some activities that she isn’t able to enjoy within her enclosure. You can set up games for her to play so she can break a mental sweat as well while out and about. For additional information contact your local Orangevale, CA vet clinic.
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Your cat need to scratch on things to keep his claws in good shape, but this in no way means that he has to scratch on beloved household items like your furniture. In fact, there are many other things that he can utilize for this purpose, like scratching posts and mats that are available at most pet stores.
To help entice your pet to utilize these products, try to make them appealing. Place a treat on them every now and then for your pet to find. Leave toys nearby so he gets used to the new item, and place it in an area that he spends his time so it will be there when he wants to scratch. You can also move him to this area if you see him scratching elsewhere so he will get the idea of what you want him to do in this space. For additional information, please contact your local Orangevale, CA veterinarian.
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Birman cats have a funny way of exploring the world around them. They love checking out the environment surrounding them. Did you know that a Birman’s need to explore and check out things they find curious can often result in some type of eye injury? That’s right, the more a cat explores them more she gets herself into trouble. If you notice your Siamese has scratched or injured her eye then give your vet a call. Your Siamese may have a minor eye irritation or it could be something serious. A cat’s eye can show signs of irritation due to an eyelash or some type of debris in the eye. Irritation and inflammation can also be caused by a scratch whether big or small. Signs that your cat may have scratched her eye include watery eyes, green or yellow eye discharge, squinting, excessive blinking, and an avoidance of bright lights. Your vet Mt. Pleasant, SC may want to exam your Birman’s eye at the office. Learn more
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Contrary to popular belief, not all American Curls or other breeds of cats have a dislike for water. In fact, some cats don’t mind an occasional bath or even dip in the pool or lake. However, if your particular American Curl is not fond of the idea of getting wet for his bath then you might want to look into purchasing a waterless shampoo. Cat owners no longer have to worry about giving kitty a wash down with a full bath, pet wipes, or even a quick rinse in the kitchen sink. If your feline friend comes in with a foul smell or stain on her coat, just grab the waterless shampoo and follow the instructions. Most waterless shampoos are easy to use and merely require a quick spray and wipe down. No water needed. For additional information, call your veterinary clinic Mt. Pleasant, SC.
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Did you know there are life jackets designed specifically for cats? If your Orange Tabby is just learning how to swim then you may want to purchase a cat style life jacket. The life jacket can be used as a tool to help your cat learn to swim as well as used as a tool to keep your cat safe when around water. Life jackets for cats are typically sold at pet stores and water sporting goods stores. Depending on where you live or where you take your boat out, there may be a law in place that states your Orange Tabby must be in a life jacket to ride in a boat. Call your vet to find out if he knows the rules for your particular region. There are a variety of life jacket options available for Orange Tabby cats. Talk with your veterinarian Mt. Pleasant, SC to learn more.
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Is your house infested with fleas? There are four stages in the life cycle of fleas, and three of these are spent off the host. Thus, if your dog is suffering from a heavy flea population, there is a possibility that flea eggs, larvae, and pupae can be found in your floors, carpets, furniture, upholstery, etc. If you are treating your pet for fleas, you should also treat the environment to prevent re-infestation.
The first step is to clean your home thoroughly. Fabrics must be machine-washed in hot water, and if possible, use bleach. Next, vacuum the floors and carpets and dispose of the dust bin or bag properly. Sprinkle boric acid on carpets and upholstery and let it sit for an hour before vacuuming thoroughly. Boric acid exerts a desiccating action on the flea eggs, pupae, and larvae, making it more convenient to vacuum them up.
Talk to your Frisco, TX vet about various options
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Cats that have just given birth are prone to certain post-partum problems especially during the first 6-8 weeks after giving birth to her litter. Here are some potential problems that cat parents should watch out for:
Mastitis is an infection that causes inflammation of the mammary glands. One important predisposing factor for mastitis in cats is heavy milk production and retention. A mother cat suffering from mastitis may not allow her kittens to nurse because of the pain.
Hypocalcemia (Milk Fever)
Hypocalcemia or milk fever is quite rare in cats; the condition is caused by the low amounts of calcium in the body while the cat is still pregnant and while nursing.
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Being deaf does not mean that your kitty shouldn’t have a happy and comfortable life. Some cats are genetically predisposed to deafness, while some are born deaf or become deaf at some point in their life as a result of infection, injury, etc.
Your deaf cat won’t have any idea that he’s different from other cats. With some help and consideration from his owners, a deaf cat won’t have any trouble living life to the fullest.
Here are some ways you can help your deaf cat:
- Use hand signals to communicate with your pet. A little patience and perseverance will help your kitty learn to respond to hand signals.
- A hearing-impaired cat may still detect the high-frequency sound waves a dog whistle makes.
- If you have a piano in the house, strik
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