Main » 2016 » July » 22 » Waterless Shampoo for the American Curl
12:35 PM
Waterless Shampoo for the American Curl

Contrary to popular belief, not all American Curls or other breeds of cats have a dislike for water. In fact, some cats don’t mind an occasional bath or even dip in the pool or lake. However, if your particular American Curl is not fond of the idea of getting wet for his bath then you might want to look into purchasing a waterless shampoo. Cat owners no longer have to worry about giving kitty a wash down with a full bath, pet wipes, or even a quick rinse in the kitchen sink. If your feline friend comes in with a foul smell or stain on her coat, just grab the waterless shampoo and follow the instructions. Most waterless shampoos are easy to use and merely require a quick spray and wipe down. No water needed. For additional information, call your veterinary clinic Mt. Pleasant, SC.

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