Main » 2016 » July » 9 » Differences between Miniature Horses and Ponies
10:08 AM
Differences between Miniature Horses and Ponies

There are many different equine varieties to choose from, but some of those animals appear almost identical. What exactly are the differences between miniature horses and ponies?

Although they appear similar, upon closer inspection, you’ll discover that miniature horses and ponies are actually built differently.

Ponies can grow up to be 58 inches tall. They have thick necks and thick bodies. They have short, stubby legs and they can be pretty ornery.

Miniature horses, on the other hand, are actually smaller than most pony breeds as they grow to be up to 34 inches tall. They are more in proportion than ponies, literally appearing like a small horse. They are able to live longer than most pony breeds and they are arguably easier to train.

To learn more about the differences between ponies and miniature horses, contact your veterinary clinic Olathe, KS for additional information.

Views: 430 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: veterinary clinic Olathe KS | Rating: 5.0/1
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