If you live with a dog, you’re probably used to seeing dog hair all over your clothes, carpets, and furniture. However, all that hair can also end up in some interesting places.
Plants are often overlooked, but they can easily accumulate stray dog hair and dust. To keep your plants healthy, pet hair and dust needs to be removed from the leaves. This is fairly easy. You just have to swipe each leaf with a damp rag.
Towels can easily collect dog hair, which is especially frustrating if you step out of the shower and dry off, only to discover you’re covered in dog hair. Drying dishes can also be a challenge with a dog around. Wash towels separately from other clothes and keep them off the floor.
For more tips on dealing with dog hair in your home, schedule a visit with your veterinary clinic Central Jersey, NJ visit https://mycentraljerseyvet.com/ for more information.
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If you’re a rabbit owner then you most likely know how fun it is to treat your rabbit to a treat every now and again. There’s a variety of foods that rabbits, like the Dutch rabbit, can eat and cannot eat. It’s important to talk with your vet before giving your Dutch rabbit any kind of treat that is made of ingredients that has not already been approved. For instance, your rabbit may like to munch on hard, raw vegetables like carrots and celery, they should never be given foods such as rice. Rice is not healthy for a Dutch’s teeth or his digestive system. Whether cooked or uncooked, rabbits have a hard time digesting rice. A rule of thumb for determining what your rabbit can eat is to ask yourself if it’s available to the rabbit in the wild. Don’t forget to check with your vet Scottsdale, AZ too. See details here.
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Rabbits of all breeds, including the American Chinchilla, develop various health conditions as they age. Some of those conditions are associated with the joints including arthritis and Osteoarthritis. It’s important to have your vet take a look at your rabbit if your rabbit is having trouble moving around or appears to be less mobile. Only your vet can determine what is causing your rabbit’s immobility. One cause may be Degenerative Joint Disease (DJD). DJD is a long-term disease that occurs when the cartilage surrounding the muscle joints slowly deteriorates. A full assessment of past symptoms as well as a current physical exam is needed for a diagnosis. Exams typically reveal a decreased range of motion, stiffness in the legs, deformity in the joints, and swelling or pain in the joints. X-rays or an analysis of the fluids in the joints may also be ordered. Only your veterinary clinic Scottsdale, AZ doctor can diagnose DJD. Learn more
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Did you know that the Bernese Mountain dog was originally bred as a draft canine? This means that the breed was developed to pull a small cart and help move farmer equipment, produce and other things across the mountains of Switzerland. Some believe this breed could have existed as many as 2,000 years ago. The breed is named for the Bernard Canton, which is located in the central region of Switzerland. It is believed that the Roman’s Mastiff military dogs were brought into the region and introduced to the Swiss herding dogs, which eventually created the Bernese Mountain dog. The breed became an indispensable tool the rural life of Switzerland. The Bernese has been known to pull up to 1,000 pounds or 10 times his body weight. It’s important to train each individual Bernese to pull only what they are capable of and to never push them further. Your veterinarian Scottsdale, AZ can give you more details on th
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There are numerous types of fruits, vegetables, snacks, and people foods that can be fed to pet rabbits like the Californian rabbit. However, there are also numerous types of those same foods and other people foods that can be harmful if fed to a rabbit. If you’re unsure of a particular food simply call your vet and find out if it’s safe for your rabbit to eat. One particular food to stay away from is bread. Most veterinarians recommend not feeding rabbits bread for a treat or as a general meal. Wheat bread is especially dangerous. Why? Rabbits like the Californian have a unique digestive tract. Their bodies are made to process a variety of foods; however, bread is not one of them. A rabbit’s digestive system cannot handle the carbohydrates and sugars found in most breads including wheat breads. If your rabbit gets into the bread and eats it, please call your veterinarian North Phoenix, AZ. Learn more
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It’s important to note that only a veterinary professional can make an accurate diagnosis of fatty liver disease in canines such as your Shih Tzu. If you suspect your pup is sick or he’s presenting symptoms common to the fatty liver disease, call your vet right away. Signs of fatty liver disease are different from dog to dog, but typically include symptoms such as rapid weight loss, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, muscle wasting, depression, yellowing of the eyes, drooling, and possible collapse in later stages. Your vet may request blood work, biochemistry profile, and a urinalysis may be requested by the vet to make an accurate diagnosis. Your vet may also look for underlying illnesses that could be causing the fatty liver disease. In some cases fatty liver disease can develop due to malnourishment, cancer, diabetes, pancreatitis, kidney disease and liver disease. Talk with your vet North Phoenix, AZ for
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The Bernese Mountain Dog is a member of the Greater Swiss Mountain dogs. Like other breeds in this group, the Bernese has the trademark coloring of black, white and rust. Unlike the other mountain dog breeds, the Bernese has a long, silky coat built to withstand and protect against cold temperatures. In addition, the Bernese has strong, muscular legs and a muscle mass that places him around 30% heavier than other dogs his size. This particular canine is believed to be the result of a cross between the Roman’s Mastiff and the herding dogs of Switzerland. The Bernese is built to work and typically enjoys a job that involves pulling a cart and working the land. The Bernese Mountain dog can pull up to 10 times his own weight. One Bernese was said to have pulled a car. If you’re looking for a working dog then you may want to ask your veterinary clinic North Phoenix, AZ about the Bernese. Click here to learn m
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