Main » 2016 » May » 10 » How to Diagnose your Shih Tzu with Fatty Liver Disease
11:20 AM
How to Diagnose your Shih Tzu with Fatty Liver Disease

It’s important to note that only a veterinary professional can make an accurate diagnosis of fatty liver disease in canines such as your Shih Tzu. If you suspect your pup is sick or he’s presenting symptoms common to the fatty liver disease, call your vet right away. Signs of fatty liver disease are different from dog to dog, but typically include symptoms such as rapid weight loss, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, muscle wasting, depression, yellowing of the eyes, drooling, and possible collapse in later stages. Your vet may request blood work, biochemistry profile, and a urinalysis may be requested by the vet to make an accurate diagnosis. Your vet may also look for underlying illnesses that could be causing the fatty liver disease. In some cases fatty liver disease can develop due to malnourishment, cancer, diabetes, pancreatitis, kidney disease and liver disease. Talk with your vet North Phoenix, AZ for more information.

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