As your cat ages she may act like her typical active self for a long time. However, there are signs to watch for that indicate your cat is getting older. Even with the most diligent of care, your cat may suffer from dental disease as she ages. This can cause pain and introduce bacteria into the bloodstream and cause organ problems. You may notice changes in urination from too much urine, too little and even eliminating outside the litter box. An older cat may not groom herself as frequently when she was young and might need your help in staying tidy. While grooming you might find some unusual lumps or bumps. Older cats can suffer from arthritis and mobility issues especially if she is obese. Also your cat’s weight can change dramatically, either up or down, as she ages. Contact your Hendersonville, NC vet to have your cat evaluated for age-related medical issues. Visit website
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You will soon be bringing an iguana into your home, and you are trying to thoroughly prepare for the experience. However, doing so can be quite the task, and you must pay attention to every facet of the endeavor in order to perform it properly. This means that you will need to designate a space for your pet to spend his time, and determine what will be going in his habitat. He will need plenty of space to grow and move around, so take into account the fact that he will likely become much larger than he is when you bring him home. This area will also need to be humidity controlled as well as temperature controlled, so be sure to create an enclosure that will be able to accommodate this. Your local Coronado CA veterinarian can offer additional guidance.
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Your hamster relies on you to provide her with healthy food to munch on throughout the day, and it’s important that you do your research and figure out exactly what she needs in order to lead a healthy life. Generally speaking, her diet should be made up of a variety of foods coming from a few different sources.
Your hamster should be given a high quality food mix made specifically for hamsters. This should be all natural and absent of unnecessary fillers, and should be supplemented with nuts and seeds as needed. Your pet will also need some fresh produce in order to keep her diet a bit more well rounded. Be sure that all produce is fresh and has been thoroughly washed. Be conscious of portion sizes for all food offered, as hamsters can gain weight easily. For additional information, please contact your local vet Coronado CA.
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The dog park is a fun place for dogs to play and socialize. However, there are times when a dog chases aggressively and it upsets the dogs and the owners. Whether your dog is the aggressor or the victim, the solution is the same – obedience training. When you enter the park, check out how the dogs are playing and if itis something your dog would enjoy. If the dogs get too enthusiastic and things get rough, call your dog to you and have him sit at your side till things calm down. If the behavior continues, you might have to leave. If your dog is the aggressor, make sure you work to prevent chasing by exercising your dog before you arrive, even if it means a long walk to get to the park. Anticipate triggers that will set your dog off so you can avoid them. For more information, contact your animal hospital Hendersonville NC.
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