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The dog park is a great place for your pup to get some exercise while interacting with other dogs. Unfortunately, not all dogs can handle this kind of environment. Is your dog ready for the dog park?

Does your dog come when he’s called? Things can get tricky at a dog park because dogs do not have to be leashed. If your dog doesn’t come when he’s called, wrangling him up and getting him back into the car can be nearly impossible, not to mention embarrassing.

How does your dog react to other dogs? If he’s fearful or defensive, you’ll likely have to work with him away from the dog park first. You don’t want your dog to be the reason why another pet owner has to make an emergency visit to the vet Des Moines, IA.

When you’re ready to visit the dog park, make sure you bring along treats and plenty of water!

To get more useful information, visit the website of Starch Pet H ... Read more »

Views: 460 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 12.05.2015 | Comments (0)

There is a wide range of annoying dog behaviors, but one of the worst is shoe chewing. Why do dogs chew on shoes anyway?

First, it is important to understand that dogs have an innate need to chew. This is especially true for puppies that are in the process of losing their baby teeth. Shoes are a great chew toy because they are pliable and have rubber soles.

Some dogs chew on shoes just because they are bored. This is likely the case if you return home to discover that your shoes are destroyed. Even the smell of your shoes can entice your pup to chew. Put your shoes in a closet and provide your dog with acceptable chew toys instead.

Some dogs will even chew on shoes just to get attention. For help breaking your dog of this horrible habit, call your vet Woodland, CA.

Views: 450 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 12.05.2015 | Comments (0)

Some pet owners are bothered by the noise that the dogs in the boarding kennel make when they first walked inside the premises. However, this should not be much of an issue because sooner or later, the dogs will calm down as they get use to the presence of a stranger or when other things catch their attention.

Visiting a local boarding kennel that comes well-recommended should be undertaken long before you have the need for their services. Making sure that your dog will receive proper care and attention during his stay in the kennel is very important so you won’t have to worry while you are away.

To make your visit more productive, prepare a list of questions you want to ask the staff. This will help ensure that you will be able to discuss all of your important concerns.

Make sure to bring your pet to your Eastern Passage, NS vet clinic to make sure his vaccines are updated and he is fit enough to be left behin ... Read more »

Views: 480 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 12.05.2015 | Comments (0)

Becoming a pet owner is a big step. Suddenly you are responsible for nearly every aspect of an animal’s life, and you are opening your heart up to this new little fur ball. To make your new addition feel welcome, make sure that you share your home with her in a way that lets her know that it is hers as well. Take the time to set up a special spot in your living environment that is dedicated especially to her, and make a point to show her around areas she is welcome to frequent. Help her understand what items are hers, and in which places she can find her belongings. Remember that your pet is now a part of your family, and deserves to be treated with the love and respect that is shown to other members of your household. For additional information, please contact your local vet Athens, GA.

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Views: 475 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 12.05.2015 | Comments (0)