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Your cat enjoys her food at mealtimes, but now you have a different option that you feel would better nourish her body. She is very reluctant to change, and but you don’t want to give up. How can you ease her into the transition?

Your pet may be a picky eater, but this doesn’t mean that you won’t be able to switch her food. The most effective way to do this is by gradually adding more and more of the new food to the food she is used to. This way your pet will eventually be eating an entire bowl of the new food, but will have the time to get used to the flavor and texture before making the switch entirely. You can also try offering a piece of the new food as a treat every now and then to help her become familiar with it. Your local Raleigh, NC vet clinic can offer additional advice.

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Views: 443 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 10.23.2015 | Comments (0)

Your dog loves to head outside to get some exercise, but sometimes this won’t be possible. However, when your pet is stuck indoors, there’s no reason to forgo her typical physical activity. You will simply need to augment things a bit so she can burn off some energy while inside.

Depending on your pet’s size and the available space, you may be able to play fetch inside the house. Hallways are a great place for this. If not, try getting your pet to play in a way that the space you have allows. Simply paying her some extra attention and utilizing the toys you have on hand can help immensely with this. You can also walk your pet around the house by simply having her follow you from room to room. Consider how your pet likes to play, and determine what would be enjoyable. Your local Raleigh, NC vet clinic can help you care for your pet. Schedule an appointment today. ... Read more »

Views: 426 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 10.23.2015 | Comments (0)

You are excited to bring a new kitten into your home, and you are getting your home ready for the new addition. What pet supplies will she need?

Since you want your new kitten to feel welcome in your home, it is essential that you offer her enough space and supplies to meet her needs. She will need a quality food option and fresh water day after day, as well as the dishes to house these. A litter box, litter to fill the box with, and the tools to clean this item are also necessary. Toys, a place for your cat to scratch, a collar, and a brush for her fur will also be needed. Extras, like a climbing tree, can come in handy as well, so keep an eye out for items that will fit nicely into your household. Your local Wake Forest, NC vet clinic can offer additional guidance.

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Views: 471 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 10.23.2015 | Comments (0)

Your cat can often be found napping around your home, and it makes you wonder how anyone can sleep quite so much. Why are your cat’s sleeping habits so different than yours?

While your pet may live in the comfort of your home, but her sleeping habits are still heavily influenced by her wild ancestors needs. Energy conservation was essential in order to stay ahead of predators, so wild cat’s would nap whenever their surroundings were calm and peaceful. This napping time allowed them the opportunity to maximize the efficiency of their digestion as well. It takes a lot of energy to digest their food, and catching it in the first place can be quite labor intensive as well. Napping helps to compensate for this energy expenditure. Your local Wake Forest, NC vet can help you care for your pet. Learn more here.

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Views: 496 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 10.23.2015 | Comments (0)

Your dog is an important part of your life, and you want to make sure you are available to help her with any hardships she comes across. Since she enjoys your company when you are home but acts a bit off when it comes time for you to leave, you’re wondering if she is experiencing separation anxiety. How can you tell?

Separation anxiety is often noticed when a pet displays atypical behavior stemming from their owners absence. She may follow her owner around closely before she leaves, and appear visibly stressed. This behavior may be a bit more intense when the owner is out of the house, and a dog that is usually calm may leave behind evidence of destructive behavior. Many dogs that are house trained will have accidents in the home if they are being impacted by separation anxiety. For more information, please contact your local Wake Forest, NC vet.

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Views: 448 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 10.23.2015 | Comments (0)

Your veterinarian Riverside County, CA may have already talked to you about FeLV or the Feline Leukemia Virus. If not, ask him about FeLV and ways to prevent your Burmese cat from being exposed to the virus. Your vet may recommend testing your cat regularly to help catch the disease in an early stage in which healthy cats may be able to resist the virus or fight it with early treatment. Protecting your cat from secondary infections is also key as the FeLV virus can cause a suppressed immune system in cats. In addition, cats that develop lymphoma or other types of cancer may be able to receive chemotherapy, which could lengthen their quality of life. Please note that there is no cure for FeLV. Most treatment options are meant to help keep your cat comfortable and to provide a positive quality of life for as long as possible. Click here to know more.

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Views: 444 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 10.23.2015 | Comments (0)

If you own a Keeshond or another breed of dog then you may already know that a good teeth cleaning is key when it comes to maintaining your dog’s overall health and wellness. If your veterinarian Riverside County, CA offers dental services you should take advantage and have your Keeshond’s teeth professionally cleaned at least once every few years. If you’re concerned your Keeshond’s teeth may need additional care ask your vet to conduct a thorough dental exam. Your dog may not need a professional cleaning, but instead a daily teeth brushing at home. This can be done with a canine toothbrush and dog toothpaste (or a simple mix of baking soda and water). It is important not to use human toothpaste on your Keeshond as the fluoride can cause harm. You might also want to ask your vet about dental treats as these often help fight tarter and plaque.

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Views: 750 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 10.23.2015 | Comments (0)