Main » 2015 » October » 23 » Teeth Cleaning for the Keeshond
4:06 AM
Teeth Cleaning for the Keeshond

If you own a Keeshond or another breed of dog then you may already know that a good teeth cleaning is key when it comes to maintaining your dog’s overall health and wellness. If your veterinarian Riverside County, CA offers dental services you should take advantage and have your Keeshond’s teeth professionally cleaned at least once every few years. If you’re concerned your Keeshond’s teeth may need additional care ask your vet to conduct a thorough dental exam. Your dog may not need a professional cleaning, but instead a daily teeth brushing at home. This can be done with a canine toothbrush and dog toothpaste (or a simple mix of baking soda and water). It is important not to use human toothpaste on your Keeshond as the fluoride can cause harm. You might also want to ask your vet about dental treats as these often help fight tarter and plaque.

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