Parakeets are plentiful and easily found in the pet store. Purchase a large cage that is more wide than tall to give your bird plenty of room to hop around and fly a little. Add a number of perches for hopping around but not so many that it restricts movement. Parakeets like swings and ladders and have fun playing with them. Parakeets mostly eat seeds so you can buy a commercial parakeet mix. Fresh fruit or vegetables make a great treat. Provide fresh, clean water at all times. Hang a cuttlebone in the cage as a calcium supplement and to keep your bird’s beak trimmed properly. Keep the cage out of direct sunlight and avoid drafts. The cage should be placed where your bird can see people but not in the main traffic areas where it gets loud and hectic, which could stress your bird. Contact your Villa Rica Area, GA veterinary clinic for more information.
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Cats love to jump up on the kitchen counters. Prevention is the key to stopping this behavior. Provide perches such as windowsills, furniture or a cat tree. Put treats on these perches to entice your cat into using them. Do not leave food on your counters. Until your cat stays off the counters consistently, cover them something cats find unpleasant to step on like bubble wrap, double-sided tape or even water. Cats also don’t like a citrus smell so adding lemon juice to the counter helps too. Keep lots of fun toys to play with on the floor and exercise your cat daily to work off any excess energy. If your cat jumps up on the counter, give them a stern “NO” and quickly and gently put them on the floor. Most importantly, do not punish your cat. Contact your Villa Rica Area, GA veterinary clinic for more information.
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If you are considering a dog advertised in a newspaper ad or an online service, expect to get checked out thoroughly. Be glad the breeders want to be sure you’ll provide a good home rather than using their dogs for fighting or as bait dogs in the fighting rings. Beware the hidden meaning behind advertising phrases. “Friendly” could mean a dog who is undisciplined, destructive and overbearing. “Protective” or “Good Watchdog” could mean aggressive and prone to snapping. Those advertising for “Serious inquiries only” are looking to place their dogs in responsible homes. Whatever you do, check out the dog carefully and observe other dogs and the human family in the household to provide clues on how your dog was socialized. Ask for a health guarantee and make an appointment at your Villa Rica, GA veterinary clinic to check for health issues and to set up a vaccination
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Many pet owners are guilty of bringing home a puppy without thorough planning and consideration. However, this can have negative implications down the line as they become overwhelmed with the responsibilities that having a pet entails. A pet means responsibility and commitment, considerations that should be given a lot of thought before making the final decision.
Some pet owners buy a puppy because it is the cheapest puppy of the breed that they particularly like. Pedigree puppies are definitely expensive. Sometimes a seller or breeder offers pedigree puppies at a price that is significantly cheaper than the usual rate of the same breed. For some people, this can be an offer that can be hard to refuse. However, in most cases, there is an underlying reason for the offer.
Before parting with your money and signing the papers, make sure to ask about the papers and traceable bloo
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Cats benefit from spending time outdoors. To ensure their comfort and safety during these excursions, it is best to keep them on a leash and harness. Potential risks abound outdoors and a leash enables you to have full control of your pet’s movements.
A cat should get used to wearing a harness and leash while still indoors. They should be comfortable wearing the harness before heading outdoors. They won’t be able to enjoy their walks if they are bothered by their harness or collar.
Once your kitty does not object to wearing the harness, take him to an enclosed area in your yard, making sure that there is nothing to distract him. The first taste of the outdoors can be overwhelming for your kitty so make it a positive experience with lots of his favorite treats. Don’t ever leave your pet even for a second for this can make him nervous.
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If you’re a pet owner then you most likely understand how expensive owning a pet can be. With this in mind, it never hurts to shop around, clip coupons, and surf the Internet for a better deal when it comes to buying pet supplies. Your veterinary clinic Lakeville, MN may be able to recommend a few pet stores or pet supply web sites that provide for pets at a low price. Your vet may also be able to provide some of the supplies you need at a discount price. In general, if you buy online make sure you look for reputable retailers that are registered with the Better Business Bureau, belong to a chain store, or have positive reviews and outstanding records of service. Don’t be afraid to shop around or even call a web site’s customer service number for assistance. If you’re ever in doubt, talk to your friends or your vet before making a purchase. More details here.
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