Main » 2015 » October » 23 » Is your dog experiencing separation anxiety?
8:10 AM
Is your dog experiencing separation anxiety?

Your dog is an important part of your life, and you want to make sure you are available to help her with any hardships she comes across. Since she enjoys your company when you are home but acts a bit off when it comes time for you to leave, you’re wondering if she is experiencing separation anxiety. How can you tell?

Separation anxiety is often noticed when a pet displays atypical behavior stemming from their owners absence. She may follow her owner around closely before she leaves, and appear visibly stressed. This behavior may be a bit more intense when the owner is out of the house, and a dog that is usually calm may leave behind evidence of destructive behavior. Many dogs that are house trained will have accidents in the home if they are being impacted by separation anxiety. For more information, please contact your local Wake Forest, NC vet.

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